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Reading everyone's comments is so interesting. Because I want to answer you guys so bad but that would be giving everything away. I love reading what everyone thinks tho so please continue :)

I also forgot to mention that I took the picture (above) that's on the cover. It's a simple cover but I'm definitely confident in my photography skills😎😂

Okay I'll stop talking now lol

Head's up, there's abuse slightly mentioned in this chapter.

Enjoy :)

-Q (shorthand for when I get lazy lol)


Five Years Ago July, Tristen

"You know I love you, right," he asked as he walked alongside her down the boardwalk. "Do you really?" He looked over and saw her smile. From that, he knew that she already knew the answer. "Yes, I do. This was a great idea, but I expect nothing less from a brilliant mind like yours." She couldn't help but giggle at that.

They were about to start their second year of college and they decided to have this little getaway vacation before they got buried in their school work. Tristen's girlfriend, Nevaeh, had it all planned out for weeks and this was her back-to-school surprise for him; a long weekend on an island right off the coast from the state. Its timing was almost too perfect because this is exactly what he needed to get out of the house and start off the semester right.

"I honestly don't tell you enough how perfect you are to me," he said, taking her hand in his and kissing it. Everything that she's done for him over the past couple of years flipped through his mind at that moment. His life became a whole lot better and brighter once she was introduced to it. She brought him happiness, which was something he didn't get to experience much often anymore. But that all will change once school starts back up again, and he'll finally be able to get some relief.

He didn't want to think about it right now. They're here to enjoy themselves and that's what they're going to do.

"That's okay. I already know how perfect I am," she grinned and he shook his head, but he still smiled at her. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding," she laughed and then kissed his cheek, "Race you back to the room?" He raised a brow. "What are we racing for?" She let go of his hand and walked ahead of him. He couldn't help but admire how she looked in the sundress she had on. It was fitted and the light yellow color complimented her tan skin so well. Her dark, wavy hair was out of the bun from earlier and there was a slight bounce to it when she walked. When she turned back, he saw that she had a playful glint in her beautiful brown eyes. With a hint of something else.


"You'll never catch me," she said and she sprinted off down the walkway towards the hotel. He could help but chuckle at her childish behavior. He didn't run after her though. Instead, he walked nice and slow with a huge smirk on his face, already plotting.

Running would tire him out, and he intends on using all of his energy with her.


"Are you ready for the new semester," Nevaeh asked, barely able to keep her eyes open. They were both cuddling in the bed after cleaning up from their session. The lights were off but the TV was still on low as a distraction since they both didn't want to fall asleep just yet. "Of course I'm ready," he said. He thought about all of his classes and how he made his schedule so it didn't clash with his work schedule. He also thought about moving into the apartment that they were going to share.

Moving out of the house was something that he needed to do. Deep down, there was a part of him that didn't want to leave his dad by himself. But he knew that he still had family members that would also take care of him, so that put him at ease.

"I know you're going to do great," she said softly, snuggling into him and the blanket a little more. "You really think so," he asked, holding onto her a little tighter. She hummed in response and he kisses her forehead. "Goodnight angel."

He leaned his head back, smiling as he let his eyes close. She believed in him and he always loved the kind and encouraging words. He was going to do it. He was going to work, do school, and enjoy every moment he had with her at the same time. When he put his mind to it, there was nothing that he couldn't accomplish. His mom always told him that when he had his doubts.

You guys would've gotten along so well. I wish you were still here to meet her.

He had to do it. For his mom, Nevaeh, and himself.

He was on the verge of drifting off until he heard a loud and hard vibration from the nightstand. He tried not to move too much so he wouldn't disturb his baby and managed to click the side button so the phone would stop ringing at least. It was way after one in the morning. Who would even be calling at this time? He used his free hand to check the phone. The contact on the screen read "Dad".


He answered the phone, his voice soft and groggy. "Hey dad."

"Where the hell are you?"

He took a deep breath before he answered. "I'm still out of town with Nevaeh. I told you we would be back by-"

His dad cut him off. "You guys have been gone for a while. Shouldn't you be back by now? Don't you have school or whatever?" He sounded irritated. And for the life of him, Tristen couldn't understand why. But that was normal for him now. "No dad, not yet. And we only took the weekend. We'll be back Sunday afternoon."

"I need you back here now," His dad said, "I don't even know why you went in the first place when you knew you had things to take care of here." If he meant things like being an errand boy and staying in the house to serve him without any other social interaction, then yeah, you can say that he had things to take care of. He sighed, suddenly remembering the burn mark on the back of his neck. The thought alone almost brought him to tears. But he settled his breath and kept his voice calm and low. "I'll be home on Sunday."

"Whatever Tristen. You better have my things when you get back." And with that, he hung up. He sat there for a moment, then put the phone on silent and placed it back on the table. He laid back down and cuddled with Nevaeh, much closer than before. He was so glad that the semester practically starts when they get back, and that he had already gotten his stuff out of that house. For now, he's going to enjoy the time he had with her here.

He drifted off to sleep with the same question that had been on his mind ever since this whole thing has started.

Why did he have to change like this?

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