I'll miss you, Supreme Dictator of the Universe

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Top: Abigail -Abby- Rose Smith

"I'm going to miss you so so so much, are you sure you still want to go? I mean, you could still decide to stay here and don't leave" I told my brother Chris. He was going to spend a year in Italy for the exchange program and now we were at the airport wishing him goodbye. I was very happy for him but I didn't want him to go away, I needed him next to me.

"And when did you start caring for me?" He said laughing.

"I don't care about you being here or somewhere else, but if you go I'm going to be the only one to help mom and dad and I'll have to do also your housework" I responded, trying to act cool but in truth I just wanted him to stay with me.

"Uhuh, do you really think that I'm going to believe you?"

"Yes, because it is the truth"

"Alright, but now leave my arm free 'cause my plane is not waiting for me" Yeah, I was still hugging my brother's arm and I didn't want let go, but unfortunately I had to or he would lose his flight and murder me before buying another ticket.

"Fine, Supreme Dictator of the Universe"

"Stop calling me like that!"

"You know I never will" I used to call him like that since his fifth grade school play where he had the tole of a dictator.

"Chris, I think you really have to go now, it's getting late!" My father said.
Reluctantly, Christian hugged me and my parents for the last time and headed towards the check-in line.

"I think we can go now" my mom suggested.

We walked to the parking lot and found immediately our car. After what seemed an eternity we arrived at home. We lived in a big apartment in the center of New York, from which you could see part of the city. I loved the view and I often spent a lot of time just watching outside the window and thinking, it made me feel good and I forgot about all of my problems. People had always been jealous of where I lived because it was a very expensive area but we could afford it because my father was a well known lawyer and my mother an ex model.

Now you might think that I was one if those popular girls who only cared about being pretty and going to parties and stuff like this, but you're totally wrong. I reality I only have a few close friends, I care about my education, I love reading books and I have been just to a few parties because my best friend forced me (if you don't count the ones with my parents and my birthday parties). About my clothes, well, yes I liked to look pretty but I didn't really mind going around in loose t-shirts and sweatpants.

As soon as I entered the house my phone rang and I found a message from "Best Bestie" who was ( obviously) my best friend Mary-Grace.

"Hey, wanna go somewhere?" She had written. I immediately replied.

"Where exactly?" After a few seconds a new massage arrived. Damn, that girl was quick.

"Uhm, dunno. The mall?"

"No, we've been there yesterday"

"The cinema, so?"

"I checked before, there's nothing good to see"

"Ugh girl, you're difficult!!" I laughed.

"Why don't you come here, we can watch a movie in my room"

"I'm there in 30 minutes. Prepare popcorn" she was crazy.

I ran into my room to put on something comfy, I tied my ginger hair in a messy bun and than I moved in the kitchen to make popcorn. Most people prefer to buy the ones in the bags, but I like to make them. I think they taste better.

I was putting them in a bowl when someone buzzed and my mom opened the door and a dark haired figure entered.

"Hello Mary, I didn't know you were coming "

"Good afternoon Mrs. Smith! I thought Abby told you, we decided to meet about half an hour ago"

"Well, it doesn't matter, you're always welcomed here"

"Thank you Mrs. Smith " than she saw me "Hey Red!"

"Hi Bestie! Why did it take you so long, I thought you had to come ten minutes ago" I asked

"Since when I'm on time?" That was true, she always arrived late, no matter what.

"Grab something to drink and follow me into my room" I replied.
She nodded and took two cokes, than came with me into my lair.

" What do you want to watch?" I asked sitting on my bed.

"Anything is fine fir me, as long as it's not a musical" yeah, she hated them.

"I was thinking about a Disney film. Something like "Pocahontas" or "Tarzan""

"Uhm... Put "Tarzan" , we have watched "Pocahontas" last time"

I put the Dvd in and pressed play. After ten minutes of silence Mary started to talk.

"When is that boy going to come?"

"Which boy?" I asked, not knowing what she was talking about.

"The Italian guy, the one who's going to stay here for the exchange program "

"Oh, yeah, he arrives tomorrow morning at the airport" Yes, because my brother left a boy was going to came to stay at our house for one year and I wasn't really happy about it. I didn't really like the idea of living with a stranger for a lot of months.

"Cool, do you know his name?"

"I used to, but I don't remember it"

"How old is he?"

"My brother's age, 17"

"Where is he from? I mean, which area of Italy?"

"He's from the South, around Naples"

"Uh, sounds good. Have you seen a picture of this boy?"


"Is he hot"

"I don't know, why do you care?" Actually I had seen his picture and he looked very handsome, but for some unknown reason I didn't want to tell her.

"Just to know, I'm curious."

"Ok, now can you please shut up and let me watch this film? I don't want you to ruin the part where he meets Jane" plus, I didn't want to think about the Italian boy.

"Yes ma'am, everything you say"

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