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⛓ - ACT 1 : ⠀ 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖑 ; 𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 .

⛓ - ACT  1     :          ⠀ 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖑 ; 𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗

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Jeremiah 8 : 21 I mourn ; horror has gripped me .


01. THE RESIDENTS of PANDEMONIUM are all affected in one way or another by the primordial creatures that call the sprawling city of the pit home. the near god like creatures that dragged each soul down here . Everyone is curious. Thats the thing about the citizens, they all want to know, and that just might get them killed again .

02 LOCATIONS THE WOODS: the Woods is on the edge of the town, where the rain does not reach unlike the other locations , this one leaves you with an eerie and nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach , a whisper among the trees begging you to get out before it's too late. the trees stink like rotting flesh if you venture too far and you swear you just saw a body floating in the lake. Just turn around and don't come back . It's not safe . RUN. they've already got you by your ankle , pulling you further and further into the soft dirt until you stop struggling...you stop breathing. you wake up in vour bed and wonder if it was really all a dream you never go back into the Woods again. It really isn't safe .

(1) THE PAYPHONE: rrring ! rrrrring ! you stalk close to the secluded payphone in the middle of the graveyard, feeling like you're being watched. you pick it up , a woman's scream immediately piercing your eardrum before static interrupts, then. nothing. before you hang up a dark and ominous voice tells you to insert 25 cents continue your call. you hang up instead, you don't realize there's a person , eying you hungrily from behind your park car .

THE CHURCH: do you seek to repent for your sins? don't do it here ! the pews are all empty and the altar has been claimed by poisonous fauna! the place hasn't been swept in years! and if you venture down to the basement , you can hear the sounds that could only belong to people you dont want to hang with. they're very hungry and you look like the perfect meal. escape through the back door while you still have your limbs attached. Or you might just meet them .

THE ACADEMY : The place looks abandoned , yet the lights never go out . It's the kind of place souls dare each other to go up too , but the ones who do are never seen again . Though schools back in session and students can be seen coming in and out, its not the same, not after all that death.

THE PRIMORDIAL HOUSES : almost no one ever comes to these places ; hallowed halls home to the ten creatures that are responsible for this world you now live in , they can be found scattered throughout the city ; but be careful , the masters of these houses might just want to keep you .

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