Chapter 8 P2

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Unknowns POV

There's a bounty on the red-haired one's head, talkin' millions of ryo enough to get me out of the lifestyle I'm in. Here we are in the middle of the ocean, the crew of the ship are none the wiser I'm not one of them. which is good, Giant ship, nowhere to run, and a giant meat locker just for storing a body. This is going to be a good one...

Gaara's POV

I woke up, electricity running down my spine, I must have fallen asleep for more than I was supposed to. Oh well, it couldn't hurt to sleep in a little bit, getting up I put on a fresh pair of clothes and go into the joined bathroom in my cabin and freshen up as much as I can.
Leaving my cabin I go over and knock on Lee's door, he opened up the door pretty quickly smiling as usual. " Lee would you like to explore the ship with me?" he nodded excitedly. "Great! let us make our way up to the top deck." I grab his hand and make our way quickly up to the top deck and l look around for a while, pointing at different things.
The ship is enormous lots of different things to do, games, pools, buffets, and people all going to the same island we are.  "Why is my hand wet?" I said looking down. He was sweating so bad he was soaking my hand in sweat. Looking up at him I can see he's a little me? I recoil my hand and let go. He looked at me confused but I brushed it off. Seems I cannot understand emotions as much as I thought I did, shaking my head I suggest we play some games.

Hours pass and it's dark outside the ship I took Lee back to his room and bid him goodnight. I'm wandering around the top deck of the ship, the ship has gone quiet as everyone has gone back to their rooms. The brisk air running around my sand-covered body, it worries me that my sand isn't as powerful as It would be on land. Defenseless and vulnerable. Even though I'm of a higher power in my village here I'm just an ordinary person. The middle of the ocean is unmarked territory for my sand. It may not be as quick to come to my aid because of the deep waters. I better just not cause trouble and keep out of sight.
I can't protect lee in this setting, and that scares me even more but I'm sure we're fine. Nothing has happened so far I Don't think it's going to happen now. We have three days until we reach land, I'm finally going to try and relax.

Heading back down to my room the corridor got cold, I hope it's warmer in my room, shivering I make it back to my room and shut the door behind me. Laying down in my bed, I put on my blanket shivering still. It's like the temperature is dropping by the minute, restless. I watch the clock 3am on the dot. It's getting even colder I tried sleeping but it's just too cold. My sand is no longer covering me, it's like the cold has drained all of my chakra in one swoop...

Lee's POV

I'm a little bit hurt he took his hand away like he was disgusted at me. He's never done that before, have I done something wrong? I hope I haven't. I need to talk to him but it's 3 am, maybe it was a misunderstanding! I get up quickly and put on a robe and run out of my bedroom. As soon as I was out of the bedroom I felt a shiver run down my spine. Goodness, it's like winter in the hallway. There's ice coming from the ceiling too maybe it's just the ocean but it's suspicious because my room is so hot on the inside.

Finally, I reach his room and knock on the door, no answer, I knock again and the door opens a little bit to a frail-looking Gaara. Panicking I wrap my robe around him. He looks so cold, Gaara I insist you sleep in my room! You look so cold, without protest I take him to my room and he stops shivering. I bundle him up as much as possible and put him in my bed.
The cold must be getting to him because his sand barrier is no longer active and just seeping off of him. I get down on the floor and he grabs my arm, shaking his head in protest I look at him confused and he pulls me in bed with him. He must be really out of it I feel his hand and he's so cold. I cuddle into him trying to make him feel better.
The color is coming back to his face which is nice, why wasn't his room being heated like everyone else? I drift off to sleep worried about him and his safety.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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