1 ship down

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Today I was happy, me and my friends were going to earth! Pink was the happiest of us all, she couldn't wait until she got to go on the ship to her HOME PLANET. Then on the inter com they said "All passengers that are humans, you have been noticed and will be heavily guarded do to some N.O.T.W members eating someone that is human also, All passengers that are going on flight 125, your flight is delayed until the N.O.T.W have been contained."

I was so scared yet so happy our flight wasn't 125, we would of been screwed. "BOOM" and explosion came from the terminal 125, the ship was no more. the fight attendant said "I'm sorry for the loud sounds but we have 1 ship down. " 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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