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Sri Lanka is so fatphobic that if you have an ounce of fat just hanging from the side of your waist, PEOPLE WOULD POINT THAT OUT.

Like other than on TV, I have personally never seen an obese person in real life. [I'm not saying obesity is okay because as someone that had lost weight I do see an improvement in myself with my weight loss, If any of you DISAGREE then you can either ask me to have a chat about it in my chat book The World Cafe, just say you wanna do so in the comments section right here - >]

I cannot even begin to tell you how many times people have pinpointed on my body and had told me "this was bad" and "that was bad".  It used to make me feel awful. And now that I have lost weight they are like "Oh! Finally she had lost weight. Kinda good."

Those comments made me feel like a prick in their eyes.

It's as if the existence of fat people itself is an annoyance to them.

Also I wanna add that you are allowed to be curvy and have a bit of loose meat hanging from the sides of you are tall.

Because if you are tall that would mask your fatness. Or make up to your fatness.

As a teenager dealing with issues regarding self image these comments have really affected me and had made me feel awful all the time.

Growing up I remember thinking that I didn't deserve to have fun and enjoy because I'm fat.
It was this internalised fear I had because I was fat. And now looking back to the pictures of myself I don't even see a fat girl. She was perfectly normal.

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