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1. My portrayal: I mainly portray Grant Ward from the MCU along with part of the comics and some of my own touches. Everyone has their own portrayal of characters and I am doing this for fun. So please don't drop hate on my pages, as respect goes both ways.

2. Do not spam me. I am currently in University and there are days I do not have the energy to reply or send out starters. You can tag me however, but do not do it like 2 hours after you sent the reply to me. You can do it 3 days or so later. I promise I will get to them. I will not be bothered to reply if you tag me 5 times tho.

3. Do not force ships on me. Oh yes, I do not like when this happens. this is not just for Grant Ward, it is for any of the characters I RP. This mainly includes romantic ships as well they are usually the ones that are forced the most. I have my list of ships in the shipping call that is later on in this MB/S. I also mention that I am happy to try new ships out, but do not drop me something and be like.

4. OC siblings and OC children. This continues on from rule 3 about forcing ships. Grant has no canon children in the MCU. But please if you have an OC child of Grant Ward, please don't drop starters etc unless we have discussed something. I do not want to be seeing this on my message board or in here unless like I said, a relationship has been discussed first, "hey dad, it's me" or something like that. This is also counts for siblings, Grant Ward does in fact have canon siblings in the MCU, but no developed OC siblings and like for the children, don't drop something like this, "hey brother, it's been a long time", unless something has been developed beforehand. for both it will be both a shock to Ward and I.

5. Please no god meddling. If you character starts to well try mind control or anything like that. Doing that to easily kill him or to make him do something. It is not fun and therefore I will not want to reply. This also includes saying that your character cannot be hurt because they are so called stronger than Grant.

6. NSFW. I have seen too much of it lately on other messages boards. It will not be tolerated on my message boards or in here. If you or I see it going to far, we can move it in PMS. We got to keep it PG-13. Also make sure your character is at legal age and I am not doing self-harm, sexual harassment, pedophila , OR ANYTHING LILE THAT. DO NOT ASK ME TO DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT. They are all very serious issues that I am not comfortable rping at all.

7. Keep the RP interesting. By this I mean, if you start sending just one word responses like "okay", "good" etc. I will not be bothered to reply! Because how would Steve or I for that matter reply to just the word good. Therefore please try and I will try to keep it going to one word responses.

8. Please comment down below if you have watched Agents of Shield!!

 Please comment down below if you have watched Agents of Shield!!

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