My sweet baby <3

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A/N-In this story both bruno and my oc are 25 years old.

My body shook with fear as I looked down at the two lines appearing. I couldn't choose whether to be excited or terrified.

I had never been pregnant before, so this was a whole new thing.

I didn't know what to do, what to wear, hell I didn't know what to say to Bruno.

I wondered if he would be excited or terrified to know that I was pregnant. Would he.. leave me?

God I can't think like that right now.

All that matters is that this baby stays healthy.

I looked down at my stomach smiling. Even if its just us together we will get through it little one.

The walk to Bruno's casita wasn't long, but it felt like hours. My mind raced with what he would say. I tried to keep my hopes up, but my doubts over took me. Heart pounding in my ears, I knocked on the large door in front of me.

My eyes were met with one of Bruno's sisters, Pepe. She had a giant cloud over her head and it was pouring hard. She gave me a slight smile when she saw me, inviting me inside.

"Pepa, do you know where Bruno is?" I watched her face contort into sadness.

"I'm so sorry Emilia, Bruno left."

 Wait what...? Bruno... left?

"What do you mean Pepa? I saw him yesterday!" I exclaimed. I grew more worried by the seconds. Fear pooling in the pit of my stomach.

Suddenly realization hit me.

"Oh god I never told him!"

"Told him what?" Pepa asked, confusion lacing her voice.

"I'm pregnant...!" 

Shock covered her features, before she pulled me into a hug.

"Congratulations. I will be here every step of the way for you."

Tears formed in my eyes as I hugged Pepa back.


After a few days, everyone knew that I was pregnant. Thankfully they were all happy about the news, but I could tell that Abuela Alma was disappointed.

From the start I knew that this pregnancy was going to be hard, but without Bruno I wasn't sure I could do it. Every time my stomach grew, I was reminded of my time with Bruno. 

I met him when we were both 15 years old. I was immediately attracted to him. I mean, everyone our age was. Bruno was good looking.

You would think that since he was a Madrigal he would be more outgoing, especially with having a special gift, but he wasn't. He was shy. That's what really brought me closer to him. His shyness overlapped with my extrovert tendencies, and we became fast friends.

Eventually I asked him out, and to which he said yes.

Ever since then we had been inseparable. No one could come between us.

Now that he was gone, raising this baby would be harder than ever. I knew I wasn't ready for the weight of being a single mother, and even the thought of being one scared me.

I wasn't completely alone though. I had Pepa and Julieta. 

I stayed at home for the most of my pregnancy. It didn't feel right to stay at someone else's house and have them care for me. I could care for myself. Of course, Pepa came over every week to check in on me and talk.

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