1: numbers and tall people

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The autumn breeze lightly swept my hair around my face as I made my way down to the rundown book store. I listened as the leaves crunched beneath me feet as I walked down the path of the forest floor.
1 2 3 4 ......... I counted my steps as I walked.
It was a short cut that I had discovered when I was younger, I have always been known to wonder off.
I somehow always found myself lodged in one of the many colossal trees littering the mass forest ground, always with either a book in my hands, or music in my ears. It was my escape, no one ever did wonder where I would go for the majority of my day. They never cared to ask, as long as I came home that night. They had no concerns of my whereabouts and I liked it that way. I listened to the scampering of little feet as they scurried across the soil, and up the trees, as I neared the part when I needed to leave the path and make my way on to the cement sidewalk of the town that I knew so well. It was only 6:30pm and the darkness of the night already loomed heavily in the sky, the nights becoming drawn out long due to the steadily approaching winter.

The chime of the door jingles merrily as I make me way into the familiar book store that I visited quite frequently. I welcomed the scent of the old books that I had become accustomed to due to entry.
1 2 3 4......I then made me way to the back corner and grabbed the first book on the shelf, not bothering to see what it was called let alone what contents the book contained as I turned back around to the front counter. I do this every time I come so that when it comes time to read the book I will be surprised by the story that lies ahead.
As I approached the counter I hear the jingle of the door, meaning a new costumer had entered. As I step out from behind the final bookshelf so that the counter is in my line of sight, I see a man snap the workers neck. The breaking of bone echoed through the store, leaving a heavy silence behind. Well that wasn't very nice, I thought dryly. Suddenly the killer tuned towards me so that I was able to clearly see who this man was. He was quite huge compared to me, not that that meant anything seeing as in height I am only roughly 5'2.
"How tall are you?" I decided to ask.
" What?" Said the rough voice belonging to the man before me.
" How tall are you?" I repeated. I don't believe that the question was very difficult to answer.
"Huh......6 foot" the man answered seemingly confused.
"Okay" I said. So he was pretty tall after all. He was quite good looking as well, as I took in his light brown hair and hazel eyes. I watched as he aimed a gun at me head, taking on a bored expression.
"Why are you about to shoot at me?" I ask confused.
"You just witnessed a murder at my hands, why wouldn't I shoot you?" He said in a duh tone.
" Why would I care that you killed some one? People die everyday, every minute even. What would make this persons life any different?" I asked.
He put his gun away and looked at me strangely.
" I've killed many lives before this one sweetheart." He said with a blank face, yet I could still hear the confusion in his voice.
" It still makes no difference. My statement still stands." I shrugged.
"Yet you show no emotion towards there deaths whatsoever." He said more to himself then to me, though I decided to respond anyways.
"Darling I'm a sociopath, sweet serial killer. I have no care for the lives that are lost every minute, for there are lives being born every second. Everyone dies, and everything meets its end eventually." I answered. I watched as a smirk stretched across his face, and his eyes lit up with interest.
" I'm think I quite like you." He said as he began to circle me.
1 2 3 4 ..... I counted his steps as well.
" You're eyes are exquisite, and you are vey beautiful" he said as he continued to circle me and asses me. I tend to hear that quite frequently, most people found my pretty,beautiful even. Most were drawn to my eyes for they are quite large and are a frosty, silvery blue. What made them even more noticeable was my long jet black hair, which made me look even more petit the I already was.
" Thank you." I said quietly as I allowed a light blush to cover my pale cheeks.
" You're very welcome dear.How old are you?" He asked with a big smile as he stopped in front of me.
"18 today" I said. It's my senior year of heigh school. You'd think that my eighteenth birthday would be a big deal but I treat all of my birthdays just like any other day, I get a few gifts, like clothes or some jewelry but nothing big. I personally don't see anything special about it. I mean you're only aging, just as you are every day. It only stands to mark another years that has passed. 365 days in a year. I've lived 18 years, that's 6,570 days I've been alive. 24 hours in a day, that's 157,608 hours I've breathed this air. 9,456,480 minutes I've lived this life.
"Well happy birthday sweetheart." He said
I just smiled in return as I'm pulled from my thoughts.
"I find I'm growing quite fond of you. I think I'll keep you around." He said smiling wide as I looked at him in confusion. I watched in fascination as his canine teeth grew long and razor sharp and his eyes turned a glowing blood red. Before I could question him on what he meant, I was pulled into his chest and his head was cradled in the crook of my neck.
"Shhh" he says soothingly, holding my gently.
I wasn't afraid.
I felt a light sting before I was consumed by darkness.

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