Stream 1

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After the stream both of them felt amazing, just the two of them knowing everyone was currently going crazy at the fact Ranboo was in England

"God that was amazing!" Ranboo cheered finally taking off his mask and glasses

"I know you were amazing!" Tubbo returned smiling at the tall giant celebrating

"We need to do that again!" Ranboo continued to celebrate, now jumping up and down, the sight of it was rejuvenating for Tubbo.

"Well we're going to stream tomorrow right?" Tubbo asked tilting his head

"Yes! God yes!"

"Maybe we should get some sleep" Tubbo recommended and even he was surprised he said such a thing, after all it was only 2 in the morning which was early for Tubbo.

"But I'm so excited!" Ranboo whined, Almost playfully but with a hint of sincerity

Suddenly ranboos phone rang

Ranboo quickly looked at it and answered it
"Hey Julie!" He shouted into the phone and Tubbo's happiness dissipated

Ranboo continued to talk to Julie whilst Tubbo stood there idly slowly becoming more and more sad

Ranboo quickly muted the phone upon seeing Tubbo's expression and spoke to Tubbo, a slither of hope rose in Tubbo as he hoped Ranboo would've put the phone down and could instead talk with tubbo a bit more before they both mutually decided to go to sleep

"You go to sleep now and I promise I'll sleep after I finish the call" Ranboo smiled

Tubbo simply nodded his head meekly and left the room in a slow stroll

Once Tubbo made it to his bed he simply stared at his ceiling for hours instead of sleeping.

He couldn't

His mind constantly wondered to ranboo, to them together. And then unfortunately to Julie. The girl who stripped any chance of a relationship with ranboo away from tubho

Eventually he nodded off and woke up somewhat early in the morning.

He walked into ranboos room in order to get some of his good mic so he could do some form of early stream for his early bird viewers.

He knocked on the door twice and stared he was going to walk on but he got no answer.

When he finally walked in he saw Ranboo blissfully asleep with his phone on the night stand to his left, still on call to Julie.

'They must've fallen asleep on call with each other' Tubbo thought as he went to his mic

Unfortunately he knocked over a couple of item as he moved which seemed to stir Ranboo ever so slightly

"...Tubbo" a deep husky voice mumbled

Ranboo was still asleep that much was clear but there was some form of consciousness there. An awareness to Tubbo's presence

"Hey boo, go back to dreaming" Tubbo whispered

"Come here" the deep voice, comparable to corpse called

And Tubbo couldn't deny such a request
Once Tubbo walked over he placed the mic of the night stand just next to the phone

"I'm here boo" Tubbo whispered, softer than before

Ranboo moved his covers a little bit and dragged Tubbo into his bed

"You're warm" Ranboo mumbled into Tubbo's hair

"Boo... are you- are you awake properly" Tubbo laughed shyly
But he received no answer.

Instead there was the soft snoring and humming of Ranboo who had fallen back into his prior slumber

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