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August, 1998

Gilbert Residence

The eight- and six-year-old sisters lay in the eldest's bed, whispering and giggling softly. Their father tucked them in just fifteen minutes before, but Lia had snuck in some sour straws for them to share with their parents none the wiser.

Lena cuddled up to Lia, under the latter's pink Strawberry Shortcake blanket, as they snarfed down the contraband. Lena had quite the tolerance for the tart candy, but Lia's face periodically scrunched up. They were very sour!

Over the sound of Lena's giggles, Lia heard something stirring outside their window. She was old enough to know it wasn't the boogie monster—silly Lena still believed it was real—but she wasn't old enough to handle an intruder. She protectively pulled Lena closer to her. Lia was the big sister, and big sisters protect their little sisters.

Suddenly, the stirring wasn't outside anymore.

A middle-aged woman now stood in the middle of their bedroom.

The woman's presence was powerful and cold, despite the—obviously forced—smile on her face. Lia was sure the woman meant to put them at ease, but the young girl wasn't so foolish. She wasn't about to ignore the circumstances surrounding the stranger's entrance.

The strange woman began to speak.

"Darling girls," the term of endearment crawled along Lia's skin, "I need your help."

Lena was either brave or naive, as she did not hesitate to ask the stranger, "Why do you need our help?"

The woman's smile grew, turning wry. "Did you know you're a very special girl, young Elena?"

Lena finally showed some trepidation at the stranger's knowledge of her name. "How do you know my name? I don't know yours, we've never met."

"I've been waiting a long time for you, Elena. As I said before, you are very special. Have you heard of magic, sweet girls?"

Ugh, did this woman also believe in the boogie monster?

Lia didn't fail to notice that the woman still hadn't revealed her name.

Seeing Lena's growing hesitance, Lia decided it was her turn to speak. "Magic is just for the movies, Mrs. Stranger Lady."

Mrs. Stranger Lady was not amused with the name for her. Lia was taught to address adults with respect, and stranger lady seemed the best description for a random woman who popped up in their bedroom. If she didn't like it, maybe she should've told them her real name.

"I can assure you, Natalia," apparently Mrs. Stranger Lady knew both of their names, "magic is part of our world as well."

To prove her point, the woman held her hand out towards one of Lena's dolls on her dresser. The doll then flew across the room into the woman's hand.

Okay, maybe Mrs. Stranger Lady was telling the truth.

Lena's face became one of awe, whereas Lia remained stoic. She was shocked herself at the woman's revelation, but she wasn't about to show it to the stranger.

"You're a magician!" Lena announced her conclusion exuberantly.

The woman only laughed.

"Close, child, I'm a witch." This response made Lia furrow her eyebrows, finally betraying her thoughts.

"Why would a witch need our help?" Lia wanted to get back to why on earth this stranger was in their room.

"It is actually your help in particular that I need, dear Natalia," the woman spoke, holding out her hand to Lia.

Lia assumed she wanted to help her off the bed, but she had no desire to touch the stranger. Instead, she rose on her own and stood some distance away from the supposed witch. It seemed to peeve Mrs. Stranger Witch as she retracted her hand back to her side, making Lia smirk internally.

"As I said before, young Elena is special. She is not a witch, but she holds magic inside her. The blood in her veins can be used to power great spells," the witch revealed.

In an almost comical response, Lena examined her own extremities. She pinched the skin on her arm to watch it go pale and then flush again with her—apparently magical—blood.

Lia's older sister instincts kicked in with the witch's words.

"You're here to get some of Lena's blood!" Lia accused.

Mrs. Stranger Witch held her hand over her heart as if the very idea was appalling. Lia didn't think it was genuine.

"I have not come to use you, sweet girl, but there are many in our world who would. There are bad people out there, creatures far worse than me, that will come for you," the witch warned.

Lia turned to look at her little sister in worry. The idea of someone coming to hurt Lena terrified her. She was her little sister, she was supposed to be safe.

"There have been several of magical blood before you, Elena, and none have lived to see their twentieth birthday. I am here to ensure you do not meet the same fate," the woman informed them.

Lena's face betrayed the great fear inside her at the witch's words, and Lia's heart clenched. Lia still didn't fully trust the stranger, but if there was the possibility she could save her sister's life, Lia would comply. Big sisters protect their little sisters.

"You said you needed me. What can I do to help Lena?" Lia questioned.

Mrs. Stranger Witch smiled then, a wry smile that made Lia shudder inside.

"You, Natalia, have the ability to stop the bad people from hurting Elena. You can take all her pain away, nothing would be able to harm her. Your sister will be happy and healthy for a long time," the witch promised sweetly.

The witch's words were beautiful and enticing. While Lia was sure there was some downside to the woman's proposal, the assurance of Lena's safety was enough to reel her in.

"You promise Lena will be ok? I'm gonna help her?" Lia asked hesitantly.

It was obvious now that Lia was leaning towards accepting the witch's offer, and the fact made Mrs. Stranger Witch smile even wider.

Lena was less happy. She turned towards her older sister in disbelief.

"She's a witch, Lia! You can't let her do magic on you!" Lena protested.

Lia was not as worried about the magic's effects on her. Bad people were coming to hurt Lena, her little sister. Big sisters protect their little sisters.

"I swear to you, Elena will come to absolutely no harm as long as you live. There are dangerous, powerful people coming for your sister. You can save her, Natalia, and you are the only one who can. Please, take my hand and we can save her together," the witch beseeched, reaching out for the young girl once again.

Slowly but surely, Lia grabbed the woman's hand. Lena protested, attempting to pull her back, but Lia was determined. Lena would be safe. She would be protected. Big sisters protect their little sisters.

When Lia's hand met the witch's, she felt a current of energy pass through her before everything went black.

The last sense Lia registered was the sound of Lena's scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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