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Error pov-

Ink had out me on duty to make sure no anomalies broke out of their designated universes. I glitched in annoyance when I read the message from the prick.
"Chk sector 2.8, I felt something glitch."
"I know how to do my fucking job Ink"
"You are lucky I am even letting you exist still Error"
"Fuck off"
"Do your job."
I clicked off my phone and teleported to the sector. There I found Dust stealing from the Underfell universe. I couldn't tell what he took nor did I really care. Dust, Killer, and Nightmare are all criminals for leaving their AUs. Why should I give a shit about anomalies like them. I should delight in their suffering...But I found myself pitying them, letting them get away with more than I should've.
Nonetheless I wasn't about to let them go this time.
Nightmare's tentacles twitched feeling a new entity enter the universe. "Dust, Killer....come back to me. Now."
Killer sprinted to Nightmares side gleefully. He flipped and twirled his weapon of choice in his fingers.
Dust sauntered towards Nightmare carrying a box. He teleported to Nightmare when he saw Nightmare glaring however. He wasn't in the mood to test Nightmare's patients today.
Nightmare was counting how much was in the box when he heard Killer yelp in pain. He whipped his head around and was met by his team member being lifted by his soul in blue string. Dust summoned several attacks at the ready but didn't strike, neither Nightmare or Dust knew where their attacker was.
Warped laughter rang out in the cold morning of underfell. Nightmare flinched at the harshness of the sound. Dust seemed to locate the sound and threw a sharp bone at the figure holding his partner.
Error easily dodged Dust's attack. Nightmare guarded Dust and they both glared at the tall black glitching skeleton. Error chuckled and yanked harshly at his strings, causing Killer to scream in agony. Black tears mixed with normal tears flowed down his face.
Nightmare looked worriedly to Killer.  Dust began to sweat. How could he fight someone if they weren't going to let Killer go. Neither Nightmare or Dust ever had faced Error before in combat. They weren't even sure why they were fighting. But they both had no interest in hurting Killer any further. Dust unsummoned his attacks, Nightmare frustratedly lowered his tentacles.
"Put the box down Anomaly number 854"
Dust glared hatefully at the ground before looking up at Killer and regretfully letting the box fall. The box fell to it's side and Error expected to find weapons, he expected Nightmare to be arming a militia or something, anything-anything but what fell out of the box. Food cans, some monster candy, and water bottles rolled out onto the snow.
In his confusion he dropped Killer. Dust ran to his aid and Nightmare protected them while they spoke.
"You okay Killz?" Dust asked worriedly, kneeling down in the snow to help Killer sit up.
Killer only coughed hoarsely and collapsed into Dust's arms. Dust hugged his friend, healing him to the best of his ability. Nightmare shielded them from a still distracted and very confused Error. Nightmare knew he was still a threat to his mates. He wrapped them both in his tentacles and teleported home with them in his arms.
Error's pov

What the hell, I picked up one of the cans, brushing the snow off with my sleeve. Why would Nightmare and his polycule want fucking food cans. They have plenty of supplies back in their au! I should know! I was there when Dreamtale was designed. It has plenty of natural resources. Not to mention that they can go to both Killer and Dust's AUs which wouldn't set off an alarm and are technically theirs.
Either Nightmare and his team have gotten really stupid over the past few months or they needed to go to another au in order to hop to an AU next to it. Could they be trying to make more Allies in the multiverse.
I quickly brought up a map of close by AUs. Couldn't be swap (he works for ink), couldn't be classic (he doesn't want to be involved in multiversal wars), Horrortale couldn't be right...right? Nightmare wouldn't want him he's the weakest Sans I no of! Plus he's dying of starvation...
I put the cans hastily back into the box. I still don't know why they would want Horror on their team though. He's an amnesiac, sure he's a sweet monster but that doesn't mean he would want to join them. Though, I could see Horror doing anything to protect his brother. Even though his brother doesn't care for him, he still has shown he'd sacrifice his food for him. Could he be trying to make a deal with them? Perhaps to get his au food?
I teleported to Horrortale, only to find a chunk of code missing. I examined it for a second and it all clicked. Horror's not in his au anymore. He's in the team already, probably unable to recover without help. Horror's brother died and he was on Deaths doorstep as well.
I could see where Nightmare found the negativity. I could also understand them going to heal Horror.
But why Underfell? Why underfell, what a ridiculous question. I know why they would choose underfell to help their new lover recover. Fell's food has the most magic stores in the least amount due to their own food crisis. All of their food was jacked with magic.
And they wouldn't even have to get very much, only like a...a box full.
Shit. I picked up the box adding a chocolate bar on top. Hopefully it's not to late, to help them out. I teleported to their "secret base" which I found easily.
I kept this from Ink though out of spite and because I was secretly routing for them.
I put the box down on the door way and knocked a few times. I left a blue string tying the box together so they knew who it was from.

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