Try outs

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Hey Everyone, this is gonna be a really smutty book lol. If its not you're thing I suggest not to read it (duh). I try to use correct grammar, so if you see any mistakes please comment and let me know! Obviously it wont be perfect- I'm not a professional.... Enjoy the book😉

Today is the first day of tryouts and I've been anticipating this day for years, yes, years. Finally, i got accepted into one of the best swim school in Las Angelos. I better not fuck it up. While I'm driving to tryouts i put on my hype playlist hoping it will calm my nerves. When i get there I'm 20 minutes early but i head to the locker rooms to get my swim suit on, damn there are a lot of girls here already. I put on my favorite swimsuit trying to look my best. I look around the room at all the other girls and they all look older than me. It's time to start so i head to the pool

"Damn this place is huge" i whisper to myself

"I know, you should see the other pools. They're even bigger" someone says behind me. I turn around to see my possible new coach. Shit she's beautiful

"Coach Billie, but you can just call me Billie" she says and winks at me causing me to blush

"Uh E-Emily Barrett, nice to meet you" i say

"Good luck out there, sum of them are really competitive" she says and walks away. Great now I'm even more nervous knowing my HOT coach will be watching me.

during tryouts i kept making eye contact with Billie. Throughout all of tryouts some rando girls kept giving me dirty looks. Literally don't know what their problem is. After tryouts i went to my locker to grab my things but those girls were standing in front of it

"Excuse me" i say politely. But they just push me a little

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Some short blonde says

"What do you mean? I ask

"You're flirting with coach. You better back the fuck off, everyone knows she likes me NOT you!" She yells

"Me like You? I have better taste then that." A familiar hot voice says behind me. I can't help but laugh a little

"The hell are you laughing at" Little miss Karen says and walks away

"What crawled up her butt and died?" I laugh

"i dunno why she keeps trying out. She never makes the team" Billie says and pauses "Now you on the other hand, you're a great swimmer miss Barrett"

"Thank you coach Billie" i say blushing

"Not coach, just Billie" she says and waves goodbye.

~the next day~

Day two of tryouts. Honestly kinda excited for tryouts today. Mostly because i get to see Billie. I did my usual morning routine except a shower, ill just go early and take one there. When i get there I'm the only one here except one other car. I wonder who's car this is. I walk inside and see Billie eating a breakfast burrito.

"Hey Billie" i wave and smile

"Hi miss Barrett, you're here early" she says

"So are you miss Eilish" i wink

"I'm usually the first one here." She said

"So why are you here so early" Billie asks

"Decided to take a shower here, the water at my place is cold"

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