Best Years Of Our Lives (Christmas OneShot)

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The snow was falling heavily outside and the wind howled louder than Louis had ever heard it. He watched as the trees bent over slightly with the force and snow fluttered urgently around the sky towards the ground. It was landing thick and fast on the lawn outside, covering enough of the ground that it truly looked like a winter wonderland.

It was December 24th, not only Christmas Eve, but his birthday too. Sitting in the little bay window in his cozy living room he looked down at his beautiful newborn daughter balanced on his raised legs, his heart being unable to fill itself with anymore love.

He was singing gently to her as bright green eyes looked back up at him in wonder and amazement. Her soft brown tufts of hair were already beginning to curl at the ends and her tiny hand had a firm grip on Louis' finger.

'Since we've no place to go,' he sang, giving her a little boop on the nose with his free hand, 'Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow,'. He could barely sing properly due to the smile that was spread on his face. Never in his life did he think he would be this lucky, to be this happy and content.

The past few years had been a whirlwind, so much so that the calm and peaceful atmosphere he had been able to create in their beautiful home had become his sanctuary, his safe place.

One Direction had performed for the last time together six years ago and since then, Louis' life had only gotten better. At the time he had been so sad, terrified at the prospect of his career being over, his confidence unable to let him see just how talented he could be on his own.

He had since created his own loving fanbase, an album he was exceptionally proud of and music he had always wanted to make. Not only that, but he was finally able to be himself, to let people see the real him. Louis and Harry were finally able to let the world see they were in love and it had been the most wonderful journey of acceptance and freedom.

And now, here he was, sitting with the most gorgeous baby girl in his arms awaiting an equally gorgeous husband to arrive home from running Christmas errands. It couldn't get much more perfect than this.

As if on queue, he heard the front door of the cottage opening and the rustling of bags moving and then being dropped to the floor.

'Hey Boo,' he heard Harry call out, his deep voice gliding through the house to Louis' ears.

'Were in the lounge,' Louis called back, smiling as his baby girl's eyes lit up at the sound of Harry's voice. 'Who's that Milly? Is that Daddy?' he cooed, brushing his finger over her little bottom lip and she smiled, all gums and cuteness.

'Hey my love's,' Harry said as he entered the room, unwinding a scarf from his neck and pulling off his bobble hat. He was covered in snow, his boots already removed to reveal fluffy socks and his jacket falling from his shoulders showing Louis he still had on that hideous Christmas jumper that made him love him even more.

Louis lifted Milly up from his lap, balancing her little feet on his leg, supporting her tiny head with his hand and turning her to face Harry. She beamed up at Harry who threw his coat, hat and scarf onto the sofa and began walking towards them. 'Hi Daddy,' Louis said in a baby voice, making Harry smile so brightly it caused his dimples to come out in force.

'My baby girl I missed you,' Harry said, reaching out and picking her up in his arms. He cradled her tightly to his chest and kissed the top of her head. Louis watched him close his eyes and get lost in the moment for a second, he could watch this all day long. His eyes opened after a moment and he perched himself down where Louis was still sitting at the window, little Milly cozy in his arms, the three of them together again.

Harry then leaned forward and pressed his lips gently to Louis', the lips Louis would never get enough of, the ones that still gave him butterflies after eleven years of knowing him. He closed his eyes and enjoyed his husband, taking in the sweet smell of his cologne and the way he could still feel the cold from outside on him. Milly let out a small sound that caused them to part and look down at her in Harry's arms. They watched lovingly as she looked up at them both before she closed her eyes and sneezed one of the cutest and most beautiful sneezes Louis thought he had ever seen.

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