Chapter Seven - The Dormant

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Mia was sleepy.

She didn't recall what happened, but she remembered falling asleep on Kasstro's lap. She looked around the bright white room she was in. She wondered where he was.

She shrugged it off, standing up and stumbling around the room. It was small, but her footsteps echoed as if she was in an endless cavern. She looked down at her clothes, realizing they were different. She wore a simple white gown with a symbol she couldn't understand. It was soft. It reminded her of the hospital.

She looked down. She was barefoot. Clean. She felt full too, like she had a delicious meal.

She perked up. She spotted a window. She carefully made her way there, feeling lighter than air. She felt as if she was getting taller with every step.

She blinked in confusion as her feet left the floor. She looked back, flinching as she saw two brilliant white wings lifting her up, flapping steadily. As soon as she realized they were attached to her, she lost balance and fell to the floor. The wings wrapped around her, cushioning the fall.

They were soft and warm.

Mia felt herself drifting back to sleep.

. . .

"Still hungry!?" Maxwell kicked the door to the West wing open, causing the monster to perk up and approach without hesitation. "Got a snack for ya, buddy!"

The monster dashed through the hall, and Maxwell and Casey followed closely. The beast sniffed the air, smashing into a room.

Gunshots. Screams, cut short with a sickening crunch. Casey and Maxwell peered into the room. Dina's squad sat there, unharmed by the beast. Her gamble worked.

Casey quickly made her way to her captured comrades, untying them. Micah was the only one awake, and he was certainly confused.

"Are you okay, Micah? What did they do to you?" Casey asked urgently, doing her best to ignore the horrific gulps of the monster consuming the captors. "I-uhh... I'm okay... they... didn't really do much-" Micah replied anxiously, staring at the monster. "What's that?"

Casey gulped. "An ally. Probably."

Maxwell lifted the unconscious squad members with ease, carrying them out. Casey stayed with Micah. "Did anyone say anything important?" Micah shivered. "T-There was one guy..."

Casey gave him a reassuring smile. "Get to safety first. I'll meet you in a bit..." she looked back at the monster. "I need to take care of this."

Micah nodded with a worried whimper, dashing out to Maxwell.

Casey stood, looking at the beast. It had stripped the captors down to the bone. It just... sat there. Was it resting?

The creature snapped its gaze toward Casey when she tried to approach. She flinched back as the beast pounced onto her, roaring in her face.

Casey grit her teeth, trying to fight the monster off, but it was hopeless. She shut her eyes tightly as the monster opened wide. This was it.


She felt something fall onto her with a sickening splat. She opened her eyes. It was... An arm, poking out of the creature's chest. It expelled more of the body from its chest as it began to lose its form.


Casey froze.

She felt her heart sink to her stomach.

Tears filled her eyes as she looked into that face.

That face.

Mia's face, dormant. Alive, but asleep.

Was that monster...



. . .

Maxwell sighed with relief as the Medical Ward took Dina's squad for examination. He wanted to find Casey as soon as possible. He turned back, his eyes lighting up as he saw Casey. He moved forward with a bright smile to greet his wife.

...His smile dropped quickly as he saw Casey's expression. Her eyes were wide, staring at nothing. She was smeared with black sludge, unkempt and... she looked dead.

Maxwell looked at the thing she was carrying, realizing it was a person. It was covered in more sludge and feathers, bearing wounds that made it seem like its ribs had stabbed through their skin.

Then he saw the burn scars... the red eyes... the white hair...

He approached Casey, staring at Mia in her arms. "What... happened to her...?"

Casey collapsed into Maxwell; he quickly steadied her and took Mia into his arms. He looked over her briefly before handing her over to the medical lieutenant. She inspected Mia, taking a sample of her black goo.

She checked her pulse, letting out a soft sigh. "She's alive. Her heartbeat is rapid and her breaths are shallow, but she's alive. I'll take her to the Med Ward." The medical lieutenant took Mia and made her way to the tunnels. Casey and Maxwell followed.

Maxwell couldn't stop staring between Mia and Casey. As soon as Casey could explain, he needed answers.

CALAMITY (#2): The Ties That BindWhere stories live. Discover now