The Real War Begins

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If you read the Silver Shark book you would understand that we are now in space because our heroes are now flying to Mystical Planet. Which is where their powers come from, and where the war is happening. As I said before there are three parts to this story. I do not want to say too much in the introduction. But all I will say is that you won't be disappointed, so sit back, relax and enjoy this great new adventure.

Chapter 1: The Space Trip

We are now zooming through space, our heroes are with Zodiac Chromes, also known as the Red Falcon. " Hey do you have anything to eat, I'm hungry," asked Ryan? " Yup, check that cabin," said Zodiac. " How long till we get there," asked Cassandra? "Once we pass Neptune we will be able to enter the zoomer. Which will take us to Mystical Planet," said Zodiac. " Can you explain what's happening over there? Why is there a war happening," asked Aymaan? " The Silver Lion will explain everything when we get there," replied Zodiac. " Whose the Silver Lion," asked Aymaan? " She's the Queen of Mystical Planet," said Zodiac. Everyone stopped talking at that point, they had many questions to ask but they knew they should wait till they get to Mystical Planet to get all their answers. They were still cruising through space towards Neptune when Ryan started feeling scared. " Okay I know I'm the one who can fly but seeing that I'm so high up is just a scary thought," said Ryan. " I never knew the Purple Eagle was afraid of heights," said Aymaan. " Don't worry Ryan, I felt the same thing when I started flying in space. It's scary at first but it will all go away soon," said Zodiac. " You're saying I can fly higher," asked Ryan? " That is correct, you just have to unlock your true potential. It's the same with both of you as well, you all have not used your true power yet," said Zodiac. Our heroes have finally approached Neptune. But before they could reach the zoomer they ran into some asteroids which were heading towards them. " Hold on guys, things might get rough here," said Zodiac. Everyone went to their seats and buckled up. Zodiac drove the ship towards the asteroids, he tried dodging the asteroids. He was going left and right, up and down it was a bumpy ride for sure. Everyone thought they were in the clear, but an asteroid came in their way and smashed into their ship. But everyone was okay in the end, there was only minor damage. " Is everyone alright," asked Zodiac? " Yeah we're alright," said Aymaan. " Speak for yourself, I thought I was going to have a heart attack," said Ryan. " But you can't have a heart attack, we're immortal beings remember," said Cassandra. Just then a siren came on. " What's that for," asked Aymaan? " I think I see the problem," said Cassandra. "The gas tank is broken, we're losing fuel fast," said Zodiac. Zodiac explained that if the tank keeps losing fuel, they won't be able to go through the zoomer properly, they would get redirected to somewhere else. " We have 30 minutes till we make the jump," said Zodiac. Zodiac went to the tank but Aymaan asked him to let them help him. " Fine Ryan I need you to go outside to fix the tank with me. Cassandra, you keep staring out the window, once we give the signal tell Aymaan to press that red button. Aymaan you will need to fly the ship as well," said Zodiac. " Why do I have to go out," asked Ryan? " Because you and Zodiac are the only ones who can fly," said Cassandra. " Wait how do I fly the ship," asked Aymaan? " Don't worry, you'll do fine, you just have to drive while we fix the tank. Once I'm back we will switch, " said Zodiac. Both Zodiac and Ryan went out, Cassandra and Aymaan went to their position. " Don't worry Aymaan, you'll do great," said Cassandra. " Thanks for the support," said Aymaan. Aymaan grabbed the steering wheel and the steering wheel glowed up. Aymaan felt a shiver down his spine and started flying the ship. " See you're a natural," said Cassandra. " I guess you're right," said Aymaan. Meanwhile from Zodiac and Ryan were outside of the ship. " How do you feel," asked Zodiac? " Different, but in a good way," said Ryan. " Alright, I need you to hold this while I fix the tank. Also, watch my six," said Zodiac. " How's Ryan doing," asked Aymaan? " He's looking good," replied Cassandra. " So Aymaan, you know that I and Ryan are in a relationship. Do you have anyone you like," asked Cassandra? " That is a weird question to ask right now. But, I don't have anyone yet," said Aymaan. " Why not," asked Cassandra? " In Milton, everyone loves The Blue Tiger, but no one in school likes me as me," said Aymaan. " I'm guessing you're waiting for someone who likes you and The Blue Tiger," asked Cassandra? " I guess so Cassandra," replied Aymaan. " Looks like they fixed the problem," said Cassandra. Aymaan smiled and kept on flying. Both Ryan and Zodiac came back inside, Cassandra congratulated them both. " So was it scary to go out to space," asked Cassandra? " Yeah a little bit, but I'm fine now," replied Ryan. " Don't worry, I will get easier real soon," said Zodiac. " Hey Aymaan, we can switch if you want," asked Zodiac? " I'm fine, I think I got the hang of it anyway," said Aymaan. " Yeah but we are approaching the zoomer, and it's much harder to handle," said Zodiac. Aymaan got of the steering wheel right away and gave it back to Zodiac. " Alright everyone, we're approaching the zoomer now. You might want to buckle up," said Zodiac. Everyone buckled up and the zoomer opened up. " Hey, isn't that just a portal," asked Ryan? " It is, but in my planet, we call it a zoomer," said Zodiac. " What planet are you from," asked Aymaan? " It's called Rudharm," said Zodiac. " So there are more planets now," asked Aymaan? " There is, we call it the Multiverse," said Zodiac. " So why hasn't Earth heard about this," asked Cassandra? " All I can say is that your universe tried to take over the multiverse," said Zodiac.

Legends of Mystical Planet: The Real War BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now