A Star

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Eyeless Jack POV:

They are a wonder.
See when we think of stars we think of the ball of light to appear so tiny and close.
To yet to are dismay they are far and bigger than we thought, just like our lovers.
Miles upon miles they sit in chairs not thinking about you.
They only worry about themself, their life, not us.
Not you.
Not me.
But its not like they forgot about us, they just don't have us yet.
Think of it this way; you know Christmas is in 3 months, but do you think everyday, every minute, about that faithful day? Do you think about the presents you want in 3 months?
I know some may say yes...
But I know that you have other matters you attend to.
Therefore, it's impossible.
That raises the question, why are these stars my only thought.
Around me I hear the waters and splashes of fish that belong to the river on my left.
The chirps of crickets in hope to find a mate, but often will find its old pal Despair instead.
Or maybe I could think about the grass, how nice it feels and how hard it works.
And yet I can't.
Not seeing isn't the problem.
I infact can see; one thing.
I see my star.
Jeffery Alan Woods.

When I see the star, I feel warm, just like it.
When I see the eyes staring at me, not breaking away, I feel like a star, just like it.
When I smell the stains of the star's barriers, I can only see how they got there.
The star stabbed and stabbed and stabbed.
In and out the knife went.
The blood squirts and splashes like the water in a pool when occupied.
A beautiful red on a sharp tip like my love for the star.
I can't stop thinking about him.
He won't leave my mind!
He is my everything!
Jeffery hear my call! I love you!
But he is not hear, and the silence calls back.
"Never... Never... Never..."
I ignore the annoying wind.
"Never... Never... Never!" The wind begins to speak up.
Again I refuse to listen, the wind has no color, does it really think I can be swayed with a dance of the trees?
I only love my star, he dances with the colors of my mind.
Black, blue, red, white.
But is this truly the wind rejecting my love for my star?
It is my star.
"Never EJ.. You sicken me." My star had called through the trees disgusted.
I got up and listened, but I soon realize it was the trees, the grass, the sky.
They mock my love using Jeff's voice, they mock for my love with a man is forbidden in a rednecks eyes.
"Never! Never! Never! I hate you!
The branches and grass grow and tie together into the shape of Jeff.
Then the brances and grass began to turn colors and squirm like it was in pain.
Somehow, nature formed into Jeff and is slowly lifting him by his neck.
Jeff's eyes looked at me, I felt the fear and burning of his tiny pupils.
"HELP ME EJ!!! IT HURTS!! IT'S HURTING ME!! PLEASE!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!" Jeff managed to call out through his gasps and gags calling out for air.
Jeff's eyes then went dull.
His pupils gone.
His body limp.
My star died out.
"And you watched..." The wind whispered.
I shook my head and feel a strange liquid on my hands and heard a scream.
It's my blood pooring onto my hands and my own scream.
I screamed with terror and pain, I tried to grip onto the thing causing this hell.
But the moment I did, it yanked back, making me realize the item was a knife and it stabbed right though me, leaving a hole.
My hands are exposed, the flesh on my palm are gone.
The flesh that was slowly growing cold is on my left shoe, caressing my ankle.
I heard a deep rumble, the grass grabbing my ankles, tying themself around tightly, my cut away skin underneath strapped in.
The grass was quickly red with my blood, I am dying.
I feel a hand grab my hair and yank me back far, but I was unable to fall with the grass.
There was heavy breathing agaisnt my right ear, saliva covered the outside.
"Goodbye babe~" Jeff whispered then pushed me forward.
The grass let go of me and I waited for impact.
But there was none.
I was falling.
I fell in my own heart, cold, empty, and dark.
The wind rushing by my ears said horrid things.
I shot up from bed and realized it was Slender.
I slept in late... Go figure.
"Didn't I tell you get better sleep?" Slender sighed.
I nodded.
Slender walked out the door and closed it.
I knew I would face punishment later.
I've been having nightmares, this one was probably the best one in terms of horrors.
I've seen things far worse, and Slender was about to prove that for me...

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