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it had been a long weekend, leilani had left for the weekend along with both of her siblings to go view lorenco's basketball tournaments and view his future colleges. things were looking up for lorenco to leave the california area. while leilani was gone, she didn't check her phone much because leilani couldn't enjoy herself without it. so, the girl had no idea the turf war she was going to walk into with not only her friends but actual gangs too.

but nevertheless, it was time for olivia's quince, which the luna siblings played a huge role in. with being security, and close to olivia. leilani opened her bedroom door and closed it behind her, as soon as she clicked her lock to her room the closet opened. a brown hand reached out and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream. she came face to face with latrelle in a black hoodie, he was sweating and seemed not to be himself. "baby luna, i'm in some deep shit." he started off strong. leilani eyes widen as her heartbeat began to race just to calm down when she knew it was latrelle. latrelle never talked about the illicit things he did for the prophets to leilani because she wasn't interested in his bragging, but this time it was different.

latrelle actually seemed scared. leilani pushed his hand away from her mouth waiting for him to speak. "you don't have much time so you might want to get to talking." lelani urged him knowing that her siblings were getting dressed for the quince and planned on leaving soon. "someone pulled a gun out on me, they didn't pull the trigger but the block knows and it's hot on both sides." latrelle explained and leilani just sighed heavily, realizing that latrelle was in that life now and there was no going back.

leilani gestured for latrelle to turn around towards the wall, which he did. she began to get undressed. "so what are your options?" she asked. he came to her for advice, the luna was pretty smart and if there was a way out she was going to find it. "kill him or kill someone close to him. an eye for an eye." latrelle explained ever so easily but leilani just looked at him, she couldn't see his face but she could hear the conflict in his voice.

"what do you want to do?"

"i want to be a kid. his dumbass knew better than to point that gun at me, and then went around telling people i'm dead." latrelle explained he was in a tough spot, he joined the prophets because he had to but he didn't want to get blood on his hands this early. leilani put her hands on his shoulders for him to turn around. once he did, leilani had her back turned to him so he could zip the rest of her dress. "what are you doing with your hair?" latrelle got off topic quickly once he noticed her hair was still in a bun.

looking over the purple dress he scrunched his face in disgust. "that dress ugly as fuck." he commented and leilani just giggled nodding along. "it wasn't my choice. and i'll just brush it, i don't have to look the best tonight it's not about me. i think you should talk it over with a few people and see if you can get out of it. i know it's not realistic to run, but that shouldn't be completely off the table." leilani told him as she went to grab her brush.

"leilani!" lorenco began to bang on leilani's door ready to break it down, it was time to go and the siblings were on a tight schedule. "lorenco cut that shit out before you breaking the fucking door!" you could lenore's voice farther away in the house and immediately the pounding stopped against the door.

latrelle, had a smile on his face from hearing how the siblings interacted with each other. wishing he had something similar to it. "you never told me where you were going." latrelle wondered why the hell she was dressing up.

"my friend's quince, olivia. not really my thing but all of my friends are going to be there." leilani explained, causing latrelle to pause. he had already had a plan before he visited leilani, and he didn't account for her. he shook off his worry and matched leilani's smile. "we can talk later tonight after it's done. make sure we pull off in the car before you jump outside my window." leilani advised latrelle before patting his shoulder and leaving his room.

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