Chapter 4

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Dorin exclaimed, "Oh No!" grasping his hammer & eyeing the assailants in front of him, gritting his teeth. Pepe was still calm, Baern & Hwan Biyu took some vials out of their pouch, ready to throw.

A Roar was heard above them & Pepe looked above him & saw a magnificent wyvern flying in the sky. It seemed to be controlled by a forest newt warrior who was wielding a Bow.

 The Forest Newts, close to 5 warriors, whispered amongst themselves & called above, "GuardowaonEdstaro, Aasowainezikaioua?"
The Wyvern looked down & glided down below, Seeing the wyvern coming, the party scattered & gaped as the Wyvern landed swiftly & with its golden eye, stared back at all of them, baring its teeth & snapped at Dorin. The Forest Newt Warrior flicked the Wyvern on its head & yelled, "Rookahwa, Shari! Thambhaisasrdostiermaq!"
The Other Forest Newts Nodded & pointed their weapons at the intruders.

The Forest newt Guardian wore a wooden root armor & a necklace of teeth hung around his shoulders. His chest was ridden with scars with a few scars on his arms & neck. His green tail was quite long & his pale green scaly skin shone under the setting sun & his body was quite muscular which made Pepe whistle. The Guardian walked towards them.

Baern nervously went forward but with an unshaken voice,
"Good sir, uh... We no lootyerak, we just came to research upon the-"

The Warrior raised his hands & said in the clean common tongue, "We know you are not intruders, montagnolduki. I am Edastro, Guardian of the Forest Newt Tribe, Name yourself."

Everyone was surprised seeing the Forest Newt speak in the common tongue & introduce themselves. Hwan Biyu exclaimed, "So we are free to go?"
The Forest Newt's tail quivered angrily & he stared at the man & growled, showing his teeth, "We would have if you hadn't messed with the Nigirmunil, beloved trees of our God! How dare you harm the Elder Tree as well as attack Miss Ivy, the protector of Trees & our benefactor!"
Baern said, "But Sir Edastro! We did no such thing to harm Nigirmunil as well as Miss Ivy was the first one to-"

Edastro grabbed the collar of Baern's shirt & his robe dangled as he was lifted by the monstrous strength of the Forest Newt. Edastro yelled to his face,
"EXCUSES! You Outsiders are most likely trying to destroy the forest again by cutting down the trees & taking more of the lands as your own! Disrupting our forest's peace & hunting us down! That is what you Outsiders do! Even when we do not wish to create any tension between our races!"

He flung Baern down, to which Dorin caught him & helped him to stand.
Edastro growled, "You will be judged by the Chief & he will decide your fate! You better co-operate with us or else"
Dorin stared at the Forest Newt Guardian angrily & said,
"Or Else? What will you do, slimy lizards!"
Edastro came closer to his face & hissed, "Or Else, we kill you, here & now, short foot."

From the clearing emerged many, close to 15 lizardmen armed with Bows & Spears, all hostile & aiming their weapons at Baern, Hwan, Pepe & Dorin. Pepe with a sigh,
"What a predicament indeed, you seriously didn't need to provoke him, Dorin."
Dorin looked at Pepe & said, "He flung Baern down & behaved rudely, what do you expect! Want me to lick his slimy feet then? Hmph!"
turning away from Pepe & glaring at the oncoming reinforcements of lizardmen.

Edstaro glanced at his men & said, "Iondhaiqyehakbaharin!" The Lizardmen tied the outsiders, while Pepe & the others didn't resist while being tied, Dorin yelled & grumbled & kicked the Lizardmen when they approached him while being tied up & when he was punched in the face by Edstaro, not expecting the punch, Dorin got knocked out & lay mum, while he was being tied. A sack was brought & he was thrown in the sack & carried on his back by Edstaro, who slunk him behind like luggage. The Vials & weapons were confiscated.

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