The Columnist' Search

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"Oh, Hello. I am The Columnist.

"Oh, you must forgive me. You caught me at a reasonably unpleasant moment. You see, I have been bestowed on something very intimate and I am in dire need of learning where it was misplaced before accusing the wails in my foyers.

"What am I looking for? It's a little wooden container identical to a treasure chest. It weighs roughly two pounds, primarily from the wood and silver of the compartment itself.

"What is inside the container? Well, if I confided, I would need to kill you... I am only jesting, don't get too indignant. If you yearn to know what is inside, I'll need to explain with the story of where it came from. That wouldn't be too long for you, would it?


"Here, have a seat and some peppermint tea.

"Where is that book...?

"Ah! There it is!

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you to you The Tome Of Dread!

"Where you will go imposes storylines of authenticity and misery which produces something far more significant than what the human psyche could condone using up to three thousand words or shorter. The fable I shall tell you today: Sweet Dreams."

The Tome Of Dread: Sweet DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now