Along Came Parker.

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Dylan's POV

"OH MY GOD!" squealed Jay from behind me. I turned from the clothes rack i was examining just as a sequinny red dress was thrusted cannonball style into my stomach.

"This is SO you!" I scowled at her as I unfurled it into the short majesty it was,

"Jay! This is my first date with the guy! I don't want him to think I'm some sort of hooker!" I whined, handing it back. She snorted, but put it back on the rack,

"Oh loosen up Dylan," came Kora's sharp voice from behind the rack, "It's a date not a funeral!"

"Yeah," Jay agreed, shoving the dress back into my arms, "Wearing something short for a change won't kill you!"

"Unless I'm raped..." I muttered. She conveniently didn't hear me, "Now, go try it on."

"No! It'll make me look slutty!'

"Dylan Grazica Sawyer, if you don't get in that changing room right now..." Kora growled at me, her ice blue eyes gleaming with mischief. I winced at the sound of my syupid middle name, she knew how much I hated it. Snatching the dress from Jays arms I stormed into the changing rooms and shut the door so hard it bounced back and smacked me in the forehead.

"And I wanna see it!" chimed Jay, hovering outside my door as I stripped to my underwear. I rolled my eyes. And before I say anything else, yes my name is Dylan, as in a girls name. Funny story actually, my mum went into labour in a cab on the way back from my uncle's catt;e ranch, a few hours away from anything at all. She was alone in the middle of nowhere with nobody but the taxi driver. Turns out this guy had been threough this three other times, and he helped my mum give birth. His name, weirdly enough, was Dylan. I'm named after a cab driver. Romantic right? I wonder what would've happened if his name had been Gaylord or something?

I eased the zip up my back, almost dislocating my shoulder to get it to the top. The dress was light maroon and clung to my body, elongating my curves and redefining my chest. The top was blank save for a long diagonal sash of beaded and jewelled flowers. Past the waist it flowed in short layers coated with sequinns and ran to about a third down my thighs. The corners of my mouth tilted upwards just slightly. It really didn't look that slutty.

Flipping my unruly mop of whitish-blonde waves over my shoulder, I slipped my feet into the strappy silver wedges Kora had passed over the door and walked out. Kora and Jay were nowhere to be seen. Probably running off finding matching accesories! I smirked to myself as my eyes hovered over the shop. Five minutes later I finally spotted the two shoving themselves through the thick clumps of teenagersm fingers clenched with jewellery.

They spotted me and withing a few seconds my neck and wrists were aching with the weight of countless necklancs and bracelets.

"So," said Jay, ripping a pendant off my neck and replacing it with another, "About this date..."

"I've already told you guys," I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "If either of you dare show up dressed as a Mexican Donut Shop owner by the name of Coco La Chiche I shall pelt you with mexican food!"

"Si mum," muttered Kora, but Jay ignored me,

'No, what I mean is that I forbid you two from going back to his apartemtn afterwards,"

"I shan't lose my virginity don't you worry!" I replied. Kora chimed in,

"No, truth be told it's about time!"

"Says Mrs 'I wanna wait for the right guy to come along'"

"Anyway," Kotra continued glaring at me, "Me and Jay met up with an old friend outside, and we're getting dinner tonight. We both said you'd come."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2014 ⏰

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