Granger Family

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A camera flickered on. A girl with blond hair and eyes smiled at the camera. "Hi. My name is Elizabeth Granger. I turn eleven this February. I'm on vacation with my entire family in France, but let me introduce you to my family."

She turned the camera so she was behind it and started walking down the halls of a rather large house. "This is the family vacation home in France where we go every year." She turned the camera towards a closed door and opened the door up, revealing a girl with bushy brown hair. "And this is my sister Hermione. She's a witch, though..."

"Elizabeth—what are you doing?" Hermione frowned at her, putting a stick into her pocket and pushing her books out of sight. "And you shouldn't be recording that."

"Yeah, but..."

Hermione closed the door in her face. Letting out a sigh, Elizabeth turned to continue down the hall when a small girl with black hair and silver eyes and a girl of the same age with blond hair and hazel eyes came hurtling down the hall, giggling as they did.

"That's my sister Jules and my cousin Cressida. She's my uncle Cassio's youngest. They're both super annoying, though not as annoying as her older brothers Lucius and Lysander—the twins. No telling where they're getting to, and I don't want to interview them. I'll likely get some kind of childish answer."

She continued down the hall and came across an open door. Sitting on the bed were two girls with blond hair. The oldest had eyes that were grey while the younger had a vivid blue color.

"And these are my cousins Cordelia and Katherina."

"What are you doing?" the oldest asked.

"I'm making a video with the camera Uncle Hamlet lent me. Who, by the way, has no kids. Isn't even married."

"We know that," the younger piped up.

"She's recording for posterity's sake," the oldest said.

"That's Cordelia, my uncle Cassio's oldest, but she's super cool. And I think they're working on their nails."

"Of course we are," Katerina wrinkled her nose.

"She's my Uncle Richard's youngest. She has two older brothers. But she's a year younger than me whereas Juliet and Cressida are three years younger, the twins being two years younger. Cordelia's Hermione's age."

"Hermione—" Cordelia's nose wrinkled up. "Such a nerd. No sense of fashion. Will never get a boyfriend.

"Will never get a boyfriend," Katerina chimed after her, nodding her head in agreement.

"Did I mention that Cordelia and my sister do not like each other? Not that I can't blame her, given the fact I don't like Hermione either."

"What are you doing?"

Elizabeth turned the camera so she looked at two older boys with blond hair and pale blue eyes. "These are Uncle Richard's oldest. Leo is two years older and Henry is four years older."

"You shouldn't be talking about your sister like that," Henry said.

"Yeah," Leo said in agreement.

"Hermione is—"

"Not you as well."

"Well, she's not—"

"We don't talk about that!" Leo blurted out. He looked at Elizabeth. "Sorry. Can't talk about that."

"About what?"

"Us going to school in France," Katarina said.

"That's nice."

"It's super-elite. Because of who our moms are," Katarina continued."

"Katarina," Henry shook his head.

"Uncle Richard and Uncle Cassio married sisters Adrienne and Liana."

"And your mom and dad are Sebastian and Olivia," said a voice from behind her.

Elizabeth turned, looking at a man with black hair and silver eyes. "Hi, dad!"

"Are you bothering people, Lizzy?"

"Yes," said Cordelia and Katherina, while her other two cousins said no.

"Maybe you should give that camera back to your uncle now?"

Elizabeth sighed. "Fine."

The video clicked off.


The video clicked on. "So, what is your real name?"

"Stop," said the person with black hair and silver eyes.

"Oh, come on. We all—at least us adults, know that your real name isn't Sebastian, our dear little rabbit."

"Be that as it may—"

"We also know you're a wizard. And it's not as if I'm going to show anyone this video after you nixed Elizabeth's project."

"She was getting nosy," Sebastian sighed, sitting in the overstuffed chair as if he were some kind of noble.

"Leave him alone."

The camera turned around so it looked at a man with brown hair and brown eyes. "Why, Richard?

"We don't make Sebastian talking about a wizard just as we don't make Cassio and my wives talk about being squibs, something Sebastian's already figured out, or so my wife tells me."

"A what?"

"Could we please turn that off before Cassio gets here? He'll be quite annoyed with you using that."


The camera turned off.

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