-Aquarius, Celestial Spirit King, And Uncertainty-

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  Again, I apologize for rewriting so frequent and suddenly.... Due to some plot twists I had to make some adjustments. I own nothing but my ideas. Feedback is Appreciated and Pawsome!

Song Tile - Fairy Tail Main Theme [Violin Cover]

Artist - Taylor Davis

  Normally, the blue-haired Mermaid would have thrown a fit having to be summoned for any reason under the moon. Having a bad attitude is a normal relationship for her towards Lucy.... Aquarius was never shy in drowning her own Key Holder if she felt like it and was notorious for yelling at the young blonde Mage while saying sarcastic and snide remarks.

  She stared at Lucy in her straight-faced mask. You wouldn't be able to tell but deep down, Aquarius was deeply scared for Lucy.

  The only thought going through her mind is, 'After all the years I insulted and treated her badly.... I didn't expect her future to turn out like this. She's far too young to be experiencing what her mom is currently going through. My connection with Lucy is far from the relationship I had with Layla. But I know most of it was my fault for not being patient, forgiving, or willing to move on. Lucy's mom entrusted me with her daughter and I couldn't have failed more than I did right now. I know what's to happen now, but I don't know if my Key Holder is willing to keep trying or wish to give up. I know I have no right to ask, but I hope she keeps going because I have a lot to apologize and make up for.'

  Aquarius stopped her thought process when she felt someone wipe her tears away. Her focus landed on her boyfriend Scorpio who gave her an understanding smile while trying to bring as much comfort he could. His body was able to block the duo from nosy and prying Spirits so she felt her emotional flood gates open as she quietly sobbed on her boyfriend's peck. He in return wrapped his arms around her waist, letting her have her moment to just grieve.

  Once the Mermaid was all cried out, she looked up at his handsome face and gave a teary smile in thanks. He nodded in return knowing his girlfriend always preferred to show how she felt rather than saying it.

  After the couple disengaged from each other, they looked around and gave a sigh of relief no one noticed. Even though it's normal to show emotions, this couple in particular prefer some things stay personal.

  Once Scorpio made sure his beloved was okay, he made his way back to the male Spirits to see what he could do.

  Aquarius gave a small smile towards her man then looked at her ring finger with unadulterated joy. Besides the couple, only 2 other Spirits knew of what her and Scorpio are about to embark on. The last thought that went through the Mermaid's mind was, 'I swear this might be the most selfish I've ever been. But Lucy you better continue and give me a chance to be better. If not, I'll never forgive you!'

  Feeling calm once more, the Mermaid's attention left the young blonde and Exceed lying on the floor and got into business mode.

  "Virgo!" Aquarius shouted in demand that echoed throughout the cave, shocking every Spirit aside from Leo. "Go get something to block the male Spirits while us females take care of Carla and Lucy's wounds."

  The Mermaid's tone was one of finality and no one was dumb enough to argue with the bluenette's demand. So the Maid Spirit left with a poof and golden shimmers. Just to return shortly, the same way. Virgo now carried a screen big enough to enclose all the female Spirits in with the comatose duo. While being able to move around freely without bumping into each other.

  The Lion Spirit however hasn't heard or noticed, due to his deep thoughts and refusal to leave Lucy's side. Before Aquarius' fire red tick mark temper could flare up more than it has internally and externally, Libra stepped in. She is known for balance with many things, including situations. The Scale Spirit turned her attention quickly and asked the rest of the male Spirits, "Can you please remove Leo? We need to work now. And the sooner we start, the better we can assess the damage that's been done to the injured."

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