Chapter 2- "Anything"

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"Cameron please s-stop" I beg him.

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything. I mean I could do something buttt..." He said and I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest as he stopped talking and waited for my reply

"Butttt... What??" I asked quickly

"But I know you wouldn't let me..." He sighed and put his head down and kept playing with the buttons on his phone..

"Ca-...." I stopped and sighed. I just don't want to get hurt. It doesn't feel right.. I thought to my self.

Cam looked up. We caught eachothers glances and just stared into eachothers eyes for a while. All motor activity stopped. All of a sudden. I couldn't feel my brain think. I just went along. He started to kiss me. I like romantic... Not rough and taking things too quickly... And he knows that.


I-I just want her. And I want her to trust me. I know she's been hurt before. Hurt a few times.. But I took those guys down. Nobody fucks with my girl. Or at least I wish she was mine.. I just hate the fact she's not my girlfriend. I want her to be. So badly. And I wish she would understand im not gonna be like those last fuckers who hurt her in the past. I'm different. I know her. And she trusts me. I wish she just gave me all her trust.. I know everything about her. She comes to me. She's my best friend.. Wait... Maybe that's why she doesn't... Maybe she's just saying she doesn't want hate as a cover up.. Maybe she's just Afraid of something happening and ruining both our bond and relationship.. She's afraid of getting hurt. And I don't blame her.

"Ugh god!" I whispered out loud by accident.

"What??" She asked with a worried look..

"Why don't you want to be my girlfriend.." I quietly asked.

"I thought I told you before.." She said

"Listen babe.. I know why.. I know you don't want hate but now that I think about it.. Who gives a shit of what they think. They're only GONNA be jealous of you because you would be my beautiful, precious, amazing, and everything I'd ever ask for, girlfriend.. And you know that. I'm honestly starting to think that you're just saying that because you're afraid of being hurt by another guy you really love. But I'm different, babe. I've been here for you. I know every little thing and you gave me your trust. Now I just want all of it. I'm your bestfriend, from our childhood and we have the best memories and even if something did happen. I would never ever ditch you and leave you like nothing like those other douche bags did. I'd still be here. Why? Because babe, we've been through thick and thin. Shit happened but did that ever stop us? No look at us. Right now im laying on your bed and telling you the 100% truth. Me and you both deserve this relationship.. So... Baby I'm gonna ask you another time... Will you please.. Be mine. And yes you're already mine but let me put it this way. Will you be my girlfriend?" I said straight from the heart. Not any type of brain activity was used... I couldn't even think anyway.. Rhea and her beautiful face and everything clouded up my mind..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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