The tall white hair man

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      Hello, my name is Azilé and I am 15 years old I have been living Miyagi alone for 2 years already because my parents decided to return in Belgium with my twin brother and my little sister I also had a older brother but he died when we got to Miyagi. I'm like everyone else, well almost, for people I'm different because well I'm non-binary it shocks a lot of people but hey I'm used to it. I am already tall I measure 1m85 I do not tell you that for someone of female sex it is very tall. I go to a quite ordinary college with equally ordinary students.

         Finally I thought it until the day when I left my club I heard the coach shout and beg Itadori to play in his team, as usual he refused which hardly surprised me his kiff has him it is the occult sciences or everything at least he's part of this club, I'm in the goth club. Itadori is a relatively tall boy in the 80-87 I don't no too he has pink red hair too cute, he is super nice, he has the strength to tarer I swear to you abuse it.

           This evening, him and his friend from the club, we unpack an old thing and a huge creature to unload from we do not know where but he and I were probably the only ones to see her. Then suddenly a guy of around 1m90 with white hair arrived and started to fight with the thing and then I don't really know how it is because I did not hear them but the guy convinced Itadori to eat it. I don't really know who something Sakura style or something like that and all of a sudden he transformed and a lot of black mark appeared on his body and he started to fight with the monster. The thing was going to hit him backhand so I reacted and knocked that shit tentacle down on him. Then the guy with the white hair made him disappear he gave a blow to Itadori who fell in his arms incontinently and asked me to follow him obviously I refused and he gave me the blow. I woke up jsp how many times later in a plain parchment room and Itadori being right next to me he was still in turmoil so I gave him a light blow to wake him up which did not work so I decided to screm in his ear which against all odds worked and he decided to sulk me.

Me who I'm alredy thinks I'm like the other.Where stories live. Discover now