chapter 3

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(A.N) Sorry guys for taking to long for an update on this story I wanted to make a series of stories about an empire where things happened, I don't know if I should make it a ultra powerful fantasy empire or a interstellar Sci-Fi empire, maybe I'll have it start out as fantasy than sci-fi. Please comment me on the conversation section on my profile to give me ideas of what I should do with the idea. Seriously chances are I'm going to see your comment I love when people take the time to leave a comment for me whether that be to your liking or some constructive criticism.


Three days since the meeting and the alliance had been made aware of the Galvanic mechamorphs presence, everyone had a different reaction to them some of it was curiosity of the new species or distrust because of their synthetic nature. It was all fine until a small reaper appeared in Galvan B' orbit, this shocked the residents of the planet, in a matter of hours the Galvanic military manage to mobilize. The battle raged on for days, over a couple hundred mechamorphs were killed or infected but eventually the reaper was downed and the mechamorphs studied the technology to circumvent the further infection of the species. 

The council formed by the Galven's decided that it was a good idea let the Citadel know about the attack and to form an alliance with the Citadel. With Hardware and Azmith as the diplomats.   

Hackett: "So a reaper attacked your planet, and now want to join the Alliance?"

Hardware: "That is correct, I understand that everyone on the citadel has a discomfort toward cybernetic species, But please."

Hackett: "Hm, I will inform this to my superiors, we will let you know."

Azmuth: "Thank you very much, I will send you Hardware to join you Normandy team."

Hardware: "I'm honored to represent my species."

Hackett: "I will let the Normandy know of your arrival."

Three days later, the Normandy arrives on Galvan B to pick up Hardware.

Shepard: "Hello, nice to see you again Hardware."

Hardware: "Same to you."

Joker: "Hey Hardware, we picked up a new passenger you might get along with."

Hardware: "Oh really who?"

Joker: Yeah, wait a minute, hey Legion come here!"

As he called a name a figure came around the corner, it was robotic a slim body with a hole in it and a singular glowing eye, similar to a Mechamorph.

As he called a name a figure came around the corner, it was robotic a slim body with a hole in it and a singular glowing eye, similar to a Mechamorph

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Legion: "What was you need of me Mr. Moreau?"

Joker: " This is Hardware, a member of the new species we were talking to."

Legion looked at me, my guess is that he is trying to scan me.

Legion: "You're a synthetic as well, hm your design is fascinating."

Hardware "My body is composed of nanotechnological fluid metal as is the rest of my kind."

Legion: "What does this fluid metal allow you to do?

Hardware: "Let's see, hey Shepard, do you have a piece of technology that you wouldn't mind me doing whatever with?"

Shepard: "Here's a spare gun, what are you going to do with it?"

Hardware: "You'll see."

Hardware lunged at the gun while it was in Shepard's hands, this caused Shepard to flinch as Hardware's body began to liquify and cling to the gun, everyone on the bridge was amazed of what was happening, his body began to engulf the entire gun as this was happening the gun's shape began to morph.

Hardware: "Tada, my species can take control of technology and upgrade its design."

Everyone was both shocked and amazed at what they just heard.

Legion: "Your design surely is advance, warrants studies." 

Hardware began to remove himself from the gun and reform his body.

Hardwar: "I would like to learn of your species."

Legion: " I would like to learn more of your species as well."

Both Hardware and Legion walk off to the Artificial intelligence core.

Joker: "Told you they would get along."

Shepard: "Seems you were right."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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Galvanic mechamorphs x mass effect (Ben 10 x mass effect crossover)(Adoptable)Where stories live. Discover now