The Madness of the Erlking

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Rampart gritted his teeth as Nereus slowly spun Queen Reka's cage, his hungry eyes examining her at every angle. The wasp queen had long been thought dead by the rebels, her hive fallen several months ago by the guard. Rampart didn't know her very well personally, but her name was affixed with the other legends of the Rebellion. To think, this whole time such a hero to their cause was being held captive by a man who would treat her as a toy in a child's hand. The veil between realities could barely keep Ramparts rage from lashing out at the Erlking.

"Let me out of the Gray," Rampart barked. "I can't let this kind of depravity to continue."

Aldul remained still.

"I said let me out, damn you!" Rampart allowed his rage to boil over at the jinn.

"You talked me into coming here with the expectations of releasing your captain, and we have done that," Aldul said. "I never agreed to proceeding through the castle, freeing everyone being held captive unjustly. I'm already stretching what the jinn had authorized me to do here."

Rampart moved closer to jinn, ready to argue. But the calm hand of Ozil grasped his shoulder. "I appreciate what you've done, Aldul," the captain said. "And I wouldn't ask you to commit to a prison riot, or assassination attempt. But if you could merely distract Nereus for a while, Rampart and I can do the rest."

Aldul watched as the Erlking tapped menacingly on the cage bars. "Well, I suppose I did come here to deliver a message to the king, hadn't planned on doing it in this setting, but why the hell not, it may prove amusing." The jinn moved behind Nereus. "I will leave the veil open for you when we leave, but without my presence here to maintain the opening, it will close within a few minutes. Work fast, if you aren't able to return to the Gray before Nereus returns, I'm not sure I will be able to save you."

The fae nodded.

Aldul moved behind Nereus' chaise lounge as the king licked honey from his fingers. The jinn materialized in his smoky form and cleared his throat, causing the Erlking to jump up in alarm.

"Sorry," Aldul said. "Didn't mean to interrupt... whatever this is. There are few ways to emerge from the Gray without startle—"

"—GET OUT!" Nereus snapped. "How dare you enter the Erlking's presence unannounced and uncalled!"

"Ah yes, I do apologize for arriving without warning. However, I thought with the strained relationship between the fae and jinn, it would be a wiser course of action not to draw attention to my presence in your court. Wouldn't want rumors spreading throughout your land, especially with the turmoil it currently finds itself in."

Nereus scurried to the side table where his mask lay. He scrambled with the leather straps as if caught naked. "You shouldn't be in this land at all, jinn. Nevertheless in my castle, or my private chambers."

"Private chambers?" Aldul said, eyeing the queen in her cage who returned his gaze with a suspicious look. "Yes, I would say this doesn't appear to be a room I'd find myself invited to."

"Watch your tongue," Nereus fastened the last strap of his mask and turned to face Aldul. "You may feel safe inside your precious Gray, but rest assured I've fought many jinn during the war, and I have my ways of hurting you."

Aldul smiled. "I mean no disrespect, and I'm certainly not here looking to fight you. But I would like to remind you of the fragile peace between our two people, and that attacking a delegate of the jinn could lead to further hostility between our races. Seeing as you're struggling with your own people at the moment, I would think you would wish to avoid that possibility at any cost."

Nereus's nostrils flared, and his eyes narrowed. The mark beneath his mask flared from the thoughts he envisioned. He winced, but his rage burned brighter than the mark.

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