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My bedroom ceiling became all too much of a familiar sight to see. Crossing both arms above my head I laid back with a cigarette carelessly resting between my teeth. I took a long drag as I reached for my phone to turn up the music coming through my headphones, allowing it to blare and hopefully drown out the voices. I glanced over at the window and watched the gloomy clouds slowly roll by. I couldn't take my eyes off of the sky, it was all white, but I could still find the color that was hiding in it. I was comfortable as my mind began to go blank, why can't I stay this way?
My daydream came to halt as my bedroom door flew open. My mother came rushing in. I couldn't hear a single word she was saying on the count of the music blasting into my eardrums.
Aggressively pointing her finger at me with a raging red face, I could tell she was pissed. I sat up in bed and slid off my headphones. Her loud voice boomed so loud I bet the neighbors could hear, but I know it wasn't the first time.

" C'mon would you get up already the bus is almost here, and let me tell you this Dylan, you're not missing it. It's your first day back, don't screw it up!" She yelled and stomped away.

Yes, you heard that right. My first day back. I sighed deeply as I got up from my bed and picked up my jean jacket that was on top of a pile of, what I was sure was, unwashed clothes. I slipped on the jacket and made my way out of my bedroom.

This would be my first day back at my high school after being expelled. It would be a long story that I hate to get into, but let's just say I was getting blamed for setting fire to the gym bleachers last year. I argued several times with the school's principal trying to clear my name, but something in me knew that nothing was going to get through to his little mind. So, I told him that the place was total bullshit and walked out with a plan to not come back ever again but look at me now.

Walking throughout the whole house, I stopped at the kitchen, picked up an apple from the fruit bowl, and took a big bite. I heard footsteps behind me and immediately groaned loudly, knowing what was coming next.

" That's what you're wearing? " She took a deep breath and clasped her hands together lightly while trying to fake a smile. "Dylan, I swear to God this better not be a repeat of last year."

I looked down at my clothes. The black shirt and grey ripped jeans with my favorite jean jacket. I saw nothing wrong.

" Oh, I would hate for that to happen. Especially since I was completely blamed for what, Nick Rattoni did."

Yeah, I knew who did it.

I walked past her and headed for the front door.

" Cut the smart mouth, Dylan. I'm being serious."

I stopped and turned around. " I'm serious. I was blamed and nobody believed me. Screw that school, they only see me as a piece of shit."

A loud screeching sound suddenly came from outside. I looked out the window and found a school bus to be parked right in front of my house. That damn bus.

" Please Dylan, don't mess this up. I know what they did to you was horrible and that they should've given you a chance to clear your name, but at least you're able to go back and finish school on time."

Opening the door, I slowly made my dreaded way towards the bus, looking at it brought back stupid memories. My friends and I tortured the freshman and broke every rule that there was. I climbed the stairs and looked dead in the bus driver's eyes. Different driver? Shit has changed.

A short trip down the aisle, I sat in the back and watched every head turn to look at me.

Drawing out a deep sigh, I swore to myself to stay in the shadows this year. All I need are my friends and smokes.

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