Chp. 3

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I swung my legs over the arm of a dull olive green armchair, that I usually rested in on my free periods.
I opened up the book I engaged in, and folded down the corner of the page I left off on. I creased it with my index finger and closed the book. I finally looked up and took in the environment around me.

I like it this way.

I tilted my head back as I scanned the tall bookshelves surrounding me.
I found this secluded section of the library at school one day after the midterms last year. God that day was stressful and this was the perfect place for me to decompress.
It was almost like time stood still when I came here.

After my parents dropped a bomb on me last night, my mind couldn't help but turn into a tornado.
What was I supposed to do? The disappointment on my parent's faces when I refused to marry a guy I hardly knew, I couldn't help but feel like I was letting them down.
I was definitely on the world's wildest roller coaster, but life has to go on and I can't let my education go down the drain. No matter what my parents have in store for me.
I yanked my phone out of my pocket and began to text Dylan.

" Ready to finish this project?"


" The project? Remember? It's due in like another couple of days."

"Do we have to do it now?"

"Yeah.. why?"

"I'm currently going on a trip."

"A trip?"

"Yeah, a big trip to go smoke in that spot behind the school. Lol."

"Come on it will take like 20 minutes."

"20 minutes? Damn. God, I can't wait for this project shit to be over."

" Wait! You can't smoke on school grounds. What if you get caught?"

"Shh lol. Where are you so we can hurry this up?"

" In the library, but way in the back where the tall bookshelves are."

" I haven't been in the library since Connor M. and I egged it last year. I'll try to find you."

I couldn't help but smirk at Dylan's last text.
I was there last year when the egg massacre happened.
Mrs. Brown was covered from head to toe and the pile of books she was carrying were all over the floor, except for one. The one sat on her head like a roof on a house.

I remember watching the two boys who did it, run. They ran faster than I've ever seen someone run before. When the principal came to see the monstrosity, he was beyond pissed.
I didn't even realize it was Dylan till now.



The deep rasp of Dylan's voice sent chills down my spine. I instantly looked up from my book to see him standing right before me.

I shut the book. " Hi."
I spoke softly in what I consider to be my 'shy voice'.

Dylan looked nice. I never had a chance to embrace his look, but I had to admit he looked good.
Black jeans with a dark blue crew neck. Scuffed black and white vans with a black baseball cap. The cap made a shadow cast over his green eyes, almost like he didn't want to be seen.
Was he my type? Do I even have a type? Have I been staring for too long?

Dylan raised an eyebrow as I silently sat there in a daze. Yeah, he was my type.
I quickly blinked myself back to reality and cleared my throat as if it would save me from embarrassment.

" So...?"

"Oh yeah, the project."
I grabbed my bag and tried to lift it into my lap, but sadly for me, the contents of it fell out and onto the ground.
"Seriously?" I groaned.
I bent down to gather my things, but immediately saw Dylan on his knees, picking up my papers.

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