#8 ✨thats sus😲

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Pinks POV

Did I hear that right? He thinks that I'm his sussy imposter queen?... 😳
I don't know why but that makes me feel warm inside...

"T-th-..Thanks.. red 👉👈"

He looks up at me with a relieved face and blushed, Or maybe it's just his suit.

"So.. you wanna do tasks with me?" He asks with a not so crunchy voice like blue but I'll take it..

"A date?" I ask flirtatiously and doing a little hair flip- oh wait I don't have any hair.


"Yah sounds good lol" 🥰

*in med bay*

"Wanna watch me scan?"  I say with my best UwU voice.

"Of course baby girl" he says with a failed attempt to make his pecks bounce... awkward 😀

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