chapter 3

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The next day, I stood outside my canonical studies class, I was quite nervous because today is technically my first day of class. I heard so many rumors about students who take this class and drop out on their first day. I mean I'm not dumb, but what if I fail. My parents will hate me that's for sure, and how will it look on my transcripts if I fail one of Stansfield's rigorous courses. I will never have a chance at being one of the Supreme court justices. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I was greeted with a tall, light-skinned girl with a perfect body and a huge ass. I smiled towards her in a friendly way, which in return she smiles back towards me.

"Are you just going to stand your happy ass right here or are you going to move so I can get to class?" My smile quickly faltered.

"Oh shit. My bad," I replied before moving out the way.

As the girl moves past me, she stops and turns back around, "Hey, has anyone told you that you kind of look like Lauryn Hill." She places her fingers on her chin like she was deciding if I was actually her or not.

I laugh because growing up that's all I heard, I even dressed up as her for Halloween once, "Yeah I get that a lot, but I'm Ryan." I hold out my hand in an attempt to be friendly. However, the girl looks down at my hand hesitantly, before reaching out and shaking it.

"Brushaundria. But, come on girl. Class is about to start less than 5 minutes so and Mr. Reynolds, don't play." She replies, before walking into the classroom.

I let out a final deep breath and enter the classroom. Here goes nothing.

I take my seat behind Brushaundria, all the way to the back of the class. I scanned the room in an attempt to see if I spot Tariq. Shit, he's probably overslept or something, I pull out my phone to send him a text to hurry his ass to class. Today is the first day, and he was already telling me how Mr. Reynolds ain't too fond of him. I felt my phone buzz, and Tariq replies save him a seat, and that he's on his way.

I place my bag in the chair next to me for Tariq, but a girl walks up to me. She's very pretty as well, with blonde hair.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" She points at the chair, I just saved for Tariq.

"Yeah, my friend is coming, but he's running late," I say

"No worries," she smiles and moves to the next empty seat.

"Good morning class, I ask that you put your phones away." I look up to see that Mr.Reynolds was looking at me, and I slowly shove my phone into my jacket pocket, slightly embarrassed.

"Thank you all for showing up on time. This is just one of the expectations I have for you in this course. So, let's begin, shall we? What are your guys' thoughts on the book the Great Expectations, anyone?"

I notice Tariq walk in and I move my bag from the seat and motion for him to come to sit. He smiles towards me, but moves his eyes to the blonde hair girl, she smiles towards him and waves. They must've met already. I could tell that Tariq likes her, I mean she's his type. He takes his seat in between the both of us.

A white girl shoots her hand up, waving it frantically and the professor motions for her to speak, "Herbert took Pip under his wing and taught him how to be a gentleman." I roll my eyes at the lame answer because she acts like Herbert actually did something for Pip. She must've forgotten that Herbert actually was shady asf.

"But, then Uncle Pumblechook was out there trying to take all the credit for Pip's success, and he ain't have nothing to do with it, just like a motherfucking white man," Brushandria said matter of factly, and I couldn't agree more. "I wish a nigga would with his stupid-ass name," she continued.

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