Chapter 3

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Hero-Girl's ticket went through a wild journey. When it initially flew away from the train, it had landed in a forest next to the tracks. Then, a pack of wolves came rushing by. The wind caused by the wolves running caused the ticket to blow away again. It floated down a deep cliff, where the train was passing on a nearby bridge. The ticket was then picked up by an eagle. The eagle flew through the air. Diving down a waterfall where its nest lay on a tall rock. Inside the nest was a baby eagle, seemingly just hatched. The eagle gave the ticket to her young to feed her. The baby eagle ate it. But immediately spit it out into a crumpled-up ball. The ticket rolled down the snowy mountain, forming into a snowball. But it broke when it hit the top of a bridge.

The ticket, now uncrumpled, began floating down the exit of the tunnel. That's when the Polar Express came rushing out, colliding with the ticket. The ticket stuck onto the train's snowplow. Until it slipped through and went under the train. It hit something else underneath. Two adult pups, seemingly hobos, were sleeping under the train. The ticket hit the face of one hobo, before sliding off and continuing. It then went through a gap between the wheels and floated up. By some miracle, the ticket flew back into the train car when Conductor and Hero-Girl were going back inside. It floated around for a bit, before getting stuck on a vent on the wall.

"Young lady, forgive me," The Conductor started. "I believe I have neglected to punch your ticket. May I?"

Hero-Girl nodded. She reached under her seat for her ticket but was surprised to see that her ticket wasn't there. "I left my ticket right here on the seat. But it's gone."

"You mean you have lost your ticket?" The Conductor said, sounding upset.

"She didn't lose her ticket," Chase spoke up as he and Sweetie got up from their seat. "We did."

"We were trying to hold onto it for her, but the wind blew it out of our grasp," Sweetie said. She walked up to Hero-Girl and handed out her and Chase's ticket. "You can have ours."

"Ah!" The Conductor snatched the ticket out of Sweetie's grasp. "These tickets are not transferable," He growled to the two. "Young lady, you will just have to come along with me."

The Conductor led Hero-Girl back to the door. Hero-Girl looked back at Chase and Sweetie sadly as she was escorted out of the train car.

"You know what's gonna happen now, don't ya? He's gonna throw her off the train," Know-It-All said. Chase and Sweetie turned to him in shock. "Yeah, he's gonna probably throw her right off the rear platform. It's standard procedure. That way she won't get stuck on the wheels. They may slow down the train a little bit, but they're never gonna stop it."

"Is he crazy!" Sweetie exclaimed.

"That's straight-up murder!" Chase said. "We need to stop the train again!"

Chase and Sweetie rushed back to the emergency brake lever. Sweetie climbed on Chase's back to pull the lever but stopped when she saw Hero-Girl's ticket stuck on the vent. It was almost sucked in. Reacting quickly, Sweetie grabbed the ticket with her claw and climbed down.

"Chase," Sweetie showed him the ticket. "There's still time."

"Then let's not waste it," Chase said.

Chase opened the train car door. He and Sweetie looked down. There was no safe place to just walk on over to the next train car. Chase leaped over to the next train car and opened the door to the caboose.

"Jump, and I'll catch you!" Chase told Sweetie.

Sweetie nodded. She took a step back and leaped forward. As Chase promised, he caught Sweetie and set her safely down. The two rushed down the caboose and went to the rear platform, but they didn't see Conductor or Hero-Girl anywhere. They hurried back in and looked at Lonely-Boy.

Chase and Sweetie in: The Polar ExpressWhere stories live. Discover now