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January 6, 2005
4:30 P.M.

Leiah POV

Groaning in annoyance of the confusing math problem displayed in my algebra textbook, I shook my head giving up for the day.

"Well, if God won't do it... it just won't get done," I said to myself.

After being in school for only two days returning from winter break, I was already tired. For some reason all of my teachers wanted to assign homework and tests as soon as we got back. Like what happened to how are you, how was your break? 8th grade shouldn't be this hard.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I realized the home phone was ringing from the living room.

"Leiah come get this phone!" my mother yelled from the kitchen.

I sighed while getting up to walk from my room to the living room, knowing whoever was calling was probably for my mother. 99% of the calls went to her so I don't know why she didn't answer the phone herself.

"Hello?" I said when I finally reached the phone.

"Is this Leiah?" the person on the other end questioned.

"Yeah- hold on is this Chris?"

"I was wondering when you was going to catch on. You're supposed to know your best friend's voice."

"You're acting like this ain't only our second time talking to each other," I said playfully rolling my eyes.

"Talking to who?" my mother said, scaring me as I didn't realize she was standing next to me.

"Oh umm," I said trying to get my lie together. "This is my friend from school. He needs to get the work from today."

"That better be all y'all doing. You don't need a boyfriend Leiah," my mother said sternly. My parents were both hard on me about keeping my grades up, even though I already had all A's. I think they were convinced I was lying about it or something.

"Yes ma'am," I said quickly. "Can I take the phone to my room so I can give him the work?"

"Go ahead but be off the phone by the time your daddy gets home."

Nodding my head, I quickly took off in the direction of my room, hoping Chris was still on the phone.

"You still there?" I said softly into the phone.

"Yeah. Was that your mom?"

Releasing a small sigh I confirmed his thoughts.

"Yeah she is. Sorry you had to hear all that."

"You good," he said. "So what's new with you?"

"Not much. I just started back to school yesterday. That's about it. I don't know what you were expecting Mr. Superstar," I laughed.

"So you not going to tell me about what you got for Christmas or seeing your little boyfriend at school?"

"Boyfriend? Yeah, I'm good on all that."

"So you mean to tell me you don't like nobody at that school."

"See I didn't say all that. I just don't feel like hearing my parents mouths."

"How would they find out?"

"He goes to my church too, but enough about me. What's going on with you?"

"Nothing much."

"Come on, you got to give me more than that." I partially whined.

"Well I just been in the studio a lot. Oh! And I'm supposed to be shooting a music video next month."

"And that's nothing?" I said sarcastically.

"I mean you already know what it is," he bragged.

"Alright Mr. Superstar. You know what, that's going to be your new nickname from me."

"That's fine with me Ms. Leiah, but you know baby daddy sounds better," he suggested.

"So how are you my best friend and baby daddy? You got to pick one sir."

"Why can't I be both?" he questioned.

"Because I don't date my best friends..."

"Mmcht, you're no fun," he groaned.

"And neither is the fact that my mother is trying to rush me off the phone right now."

"You tryna leave me already? Nooo, don't leave me," he begged.

"Oh so you're an actor too. So dramatic for what?"

"I'm only dramatic because my baby momma slash best friend is tryna leave me forever."

"Forever is crazy. And I wouldn't be surprised if you were the one to never talk to me again."

"Leiah, I'm not going to forget about you when I get famous. I like talking to you too much," he assured.

"We gon see how that plays out. But I think I just seen my dad's car past by my window. I'm going to lay down some rules for the next time you call so you won't think I'm tryna 'leave you forever' again, okay?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay, so I have prayer on Monday nights, so you can't call then. I also have Bible Study on Wednesdays and regular church on Sundays, so we can't talk then either. Oh! And I might have church on Saturday nights depending if we are fellowshipping with another church," I rambled.

"Damn- I mean dang. So I'm talking to a church girl. Your parents the pastors or something?"

"No but they are heavily involved in the church."

"So you basically only go to church and school. Yeah, couldn't be me."

"I don't want it to be me either," I mumbled.

"Leiah! Your daddy's home!" my mom yelled.

"I gotta go Chris," I pouted.

"Alright LeeLee. Ima talk to you later. Answer me when I call you lil girl."

"It's big Leiah and don't forget it."

"Bye best friend."

"Bye bestie."

"Leiah didn't I tell you to be off that phone by the time your daddy got home!" I heard my mom yell.

Sighing, I prepared myself for the hour long lecture my mom was about to give me.

"Yes ma'am, it won't happen again," I mumbled.

"So now you can't open your mouth that you're off that phone. Leiah don't test me today."

Let me just take this so I can go to sleep. Just take it Leiah.

Soooo, how is everyone? I'm so sorry I abandoned this book. I looked at it everyday, but I just couldn't find the energy to write or the words to form a chapter. Hopefully, after this is out I can continue to work so that I can see my vision for the book come to life. Thank you for reading!!

Lyia 👀✨

November 2022

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