Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A/n Sentences that are italic are they're thoughts. :)

Faye's POV

"Could I get a cheese and jalapeno toastie and a black coffee please?" The customer ordered

"Is that a take out or sitting in?" I asked, scribbling down his order.

"Sitting in please" He replied.

"Ok, that'll be $7.70 please and your table 12" I smiled.

He handed me a $10 and I gave him his change. Once he was sat at his table I pinned the order to the board for Matt to deal with.

Matt came up from the back and ripped the order from the board.

"1 black coffee and 1 toastie, got it"

I glanced at the clock, 10 more minutes till i'm done here, 30 minutes till I need to pick up my younger sister Kaitlynn.

"Here you go" Matt said handing me a tray with the toastie and coffee.

I walked over to where the man was sat and placed the tray down. "Here you go sir"

"Thank you" He smiled back.

I walked back to the counter and started to clean the worktop.

"It's been a quiet day" Matt sighed as he leaned against the counter.

Matt was your typical 19 year old boy. Really tall, scruffy beard coming on, was into comic books and video games. yeah.

"It has, but its becoming normal for a Thursday" I replied.

"Anyway, your times up kiddo, get out of here" He smirked.

"Bye then" I smiled as I hung up my apron and heading to the staff room. I quickly zipped up my hoodie, put on my beanie and shades, grabbed my bag and headed to my car.

Ashton's POV

I pulled up outside Harry and Lauren's school. I was only picking up Harry because Lauren was going to Sammy's house for some girly stuff. I was 5 minutes early and there were already parents standing waiting for they're little ones, but on girl caught my eye. She had dark red hair which was covered by a black beanie and her eyes were covered by her Ray Bans. She was stunning, I couldn't take my eyes off her as she sat on the bonnet of her car.

The school bell rang out disturbing me of admiring the girl. I got out and leaned against the car. I watched as the kids piled out of the school and making there way home. I seen Harry walking with Kaitlynn, his best friend.

"Hey guys" I said as they approached me.

"Hey" They said in Unison.

"How was your day?" I smiled.

"It was alright" Harry shrugged as Kaitlynn agreed.

"The usual" I smirked " So Kaitlynn would you like a ride home?"

"Its alright, my sister is meant to be picking me up today" She replied as she looked around. "There she is!"

Oh god...

Faye's POV

I sat on the bonnet of my ruby red car and browsed on my phone, not because I was bored but because I was being watched. A guy across the street in an black Audi SUV watch not so sneakily checking me out.

When the school bell rang which felt like ages The guy got out and leaned against his car. I'll admit he was hot.

Anyways... Kaitlynn.

I looked around for her in the sea of children that was flooding out of the school. I couldn't see her until I heard her voice.


I looked in the direction of where her voice came from. I seen her standing beside Harry, her best friend. They were standing with the guy... oh god.

I walked up to where they were standing.

"Hey Kaitlynn" I smiled as I draped my arm around her shoulders "Hey Harry"

"Hey Faye" He smiled " This is my brother Ashton"

He reached out his hand " Nice to meet you, Faye"

"Nice to meet you Ashton" I said taking his hand and shaking it.

"Ash, Can Kaitlynn come over this Saturday?" Harry asked Ashton.

"I don't see why not" Ashton replied as she messed Harry's hair playfully.

"Yay!" Kaitlynn and Harry cheered.

"But you havent asked Faye yet?" Ashton smirked.

"Faye, can I go to Harry's this Saturday?" She asked.

"Oh I suppose" I smirked.

"Yay!" They both cheered and ran around on the grass in pure happiness.

"If you want I can give you my number and we can organize something during the week?" Ashton suggested.

"Yeah sure" I smiled, taking out my phone and handing it to him.

He saved his number on my phone and gave it back to me.

"Thanks" I smiled

"No problem, I look forward to speaking to you later" He smirked " Harry lets hit the road, we have errands to do!"

"Yes!" Harry cheered. "Bye!"

"Bye guys" Me and Kaitlynn said as they climbed into there SUV as we climbed into my Range Rover Evoque.

They honked as they pulled outnd drove away.

"I cant wait till Saturday!" Kaitlynn grinned.

"Me neither" I smiled as we headed home.

I liked Ashton, he seemed really nice. And he was hot. No doubt there. especially in that bandana. He's really buff too and those hands! They're so big and strong!

"Faye!" Kaitlynn said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"You like him dont you?" She smirked.

"No..." I replied.

Yes. Yes I did.

"Liar" She replied, looking out the mirror.

Ashtons POV

I did it. I gave her my number. I wasnt going to but I did and now i'm waiting for a message...


Chapter 1 complete! Really excited for this book and I think you guys will love it!

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