Chapter 1 New Beginnings

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The Character's Appearance

Alright let me get this out of the way, if your unsure what the characters look like, just imagine a snik with an inverted rainbow, a blue vacrunch, and a bloom Crimortar ( basically its got grass around it and water where the lava should be, a flower on its barrel. A barrel is the part of a gun that the bullets come out of. )


7:30 AM

 The Campsite

Everyone was sleeping, Cosmo just wanted 5 more minutes, Spectrum kept Sleeping, and Zinc woke up early. As Zinc was waking up Cosmo, Spectrum woke up to a feel of ramen on her serpentine body. She woke up, finding a small, little teacup with a little creature inside of it. Spectrum, being the most friendly, greeted "Hello! Who are you?" The little teacup etherian, was very shy, and said, "H- hi." As the little teap was afraid, Spectrum asked why it was here, then the teap told Spectrum that it was lost. After that, Zinc came in, bewildered. She asked, "Didn't I tell you about inviting strangers into your house?" Spectrum Replied, "But its lost!" After that, Cosmo finally woke up, and saw the teap as an Easy Treat. "Yum, Ramen!" Cosmo charged at the little teap, getting ready to eat it! Then Spectrum prevented that from happening, but Cosmo bit Spectrum's head instead, then SPAT it out! "Yuck! It tastes slimy.." Cosmo said, disgusted. After a while, Spectrum got Cosmo some treats from the nearby garden in the Campsite. That was when, Spectrum noticed something.. A Map? It looked old and rustic, and very antique, but she could make out paths and an X. Spectrum carried the map in her mouth, when Cosmo told her to give it to Zinc as Spectrum might tear the map. So Spectrum gave the map to Zinc. As Zinc took the map, the Teap introduced itself to Spectrum, it's name was Chopsticks! Chopsticks went to Zinc, came ahead and took it! It told us to follow it, as the map would fade into pieces in 5 minutes! As more seconds passed, the map was in the worse condition.

8:00 AM 

The Volcano

 As they went to their destination, a Lava Mountain, the map faded away! In the distance, the Trio saw a Purple bug, with purple wings. It was Soln! As boss music began to play in their far distance of their heads, Soln was ready to attack! The trio did as they could, Spectrum used Bash, Cosmo used Water gun, and Zinc used her moves. The boss was getting exhausted, and insulted, then Cosmo had an idea! He took Spectrum and showed her what he had in mind, shooting down the nests! At first, Spectrum was confused, then knew it were Soln's home! So they destroyed it. After they returned, the boss fight was getting more and more intense! Then the boss went home, exhausted. Distressed and tired, the trio set home at the Camp. Chopsticks was building a home for itself, as our Chapter ends, another one Begins.


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