With simple songs, I wanted more

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It was only 2 weeks after the festival and something had arrived to the royal family of Kinoko.

A declaration of war against the Nether Kingdom for land and military, this meant that The Queen and her heir were in charge of leading the troops and gathering allies to help. Niki's mind ran from every single outcome, every single death, all the troops they may lose but one thing slipped her mind at first.

The other heirs would be commanding their troops therefore being on the battlefield, what if they all die and she's left alone, no more letters explaining what the rest of them had done or new updates.


Is this what she gets for something for than more than an ally instead wanting a friend?

Was that too much?

Before her mind could run farther into a spiral of panic and anxiety, an order was issued to train the troops as soon as possible, get the best blacksmiths to create stronger armour and weapons and make sure they had a solid plan and smooth coordination. Suddenly there was a peck at the window, like always it was Prince, Vienna's bird that came to send a letter across the kingdoms.

"Hello my dear friend,

I have heard that there is a war soon to be declared and i wish you all the luck, I have faith in you and your kingdom

See you at the battlefield, Niki


Niki smiled at the letter, she slowly folded it and put inside of a drawer along with the others and quickly pulled out a piece of paper and wrote a letter to her friends

"See you guys at the battlefield soon enough -Niki :)"

Short and simple but enough for the time being. She tied the 3 identical notes to Prince's leg and watched as he flew off briskly. Poor thing accidently blinded Vienna in 1 eye, it was funny to watch when he poked her eye when landing. The healing left a scar, as a permanent reminder of the last day before they went back to their homes.


Lexie sat observing the troops training seeing as they would attack from the water, they trained on fake warships and took down most of them. All of the equipment had arrived. Recently a spy in the nether had been set out under the orders of the River Down Kingdom, allowing for the kingdoms to see their training methods and tactics and how to easily combat it.

Everything was going as smooth as it could in war preparations, underwater archers prepared, best fighters at the ready and healing pots at a comfortable amount.

The heirs' mind wandered to the gang and what happened with Prince Jey, could they really trust him? What will happen to the other two? Lexie could barely stand as the panic washed through her body all with new questions and too little answers. Lexie felt a burning sensation gripping her cheeks as she panicked, the agonising pain of losing someone was a pain she could bear to feel, not again, it was as if burning hands gripped her neck, making her choke on her own tears as she silently wept in despair in her wing. Wracking sobs escaping as she clung onto her uniform in a desperate want to be held even if it was by herself. Her crown fell to the floor, making a clattering sound as she sat on the dark oak wood planks, her uniform feeling uncomfortable against her skin. It felt like a cage and Lexie being the bird desperate to get out.

She couldn't bear the thought of having someone close die in a stupid petty war that was over some mere land, she couldn't take it anymore. Everything around her she cared about seemed to die and she would blame herself every fucking time, it was always her fault.

The voice in the back of her head seemed to agree

it's your fault

your fault

your fault

You kill everything around you

It's always you

She desperately yelled at it to stop to shut up for once at least. It never did. It continued to haunt her everyday.

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