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I finally pulled away from onikas body and looked at her. She was so sexy... I suddenly felt the urge to fuck the shit out of her but I wanted to make she she was ok with it. She looked at me funny then realized what I was thinking. For a spilt second we sat in complete silence then we start to tug at each other's clothes. We connect our lips as we start undressing. I push onika flat on the bed and see her little 5,2ft self(don't come at me). I kiss her from her lips all the way down to her little box. I start to tease her by sucking her inner thighs
"Baby please stop teasing me," she said whining.
I start to suck on her nipples and she moaned a little. Then I travel my index and middle finger down to her little box and slowly start pushing them in her.
"Mhmmm Beyoncé...," she moans a little
"Cookie that's not my name," I say in a sexy tone
She moans softly so I start to go faster.

"What's my name cookie?" I say a little louder this time.
"Da-Daddy ohh fa-faster," she says not able to really talk.

I start to go faster and lick her clit a little and she start to scream.
" Daddy im gonna cum..I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum I'm gonna..." she says before actually cumming all over the sheets and in my mouth.

"Mhm baby you taste so good I stay licking my lips."
I get up and start to run a hot bath for her. I grab her a new change of clothes and carefully place her into the tub. I get in with her rubbing her back slowly. She falls sound asleep.

I guess I must have feel asleep because when I woke up I was in bed in a new change of clothes. Bey was cuddling me. She had been fast asleep. I check my phone. I have 10 text from ari 10 from Wayne and 50 texts from drake and 10 missed calls from him. God damn I didn't check my phone in the past 3 days. I look at the time. It's says 8:41am. I then decide to call ari back.
"Hello?!" She said.
"Hey ari, sorry I didn't- " I got cut off by drake Wayne ari and riri screaming.
The screaming didn't really help. Bey woke up and sounded really tired.
"Nika who the fuck is screaming this early??"
"My dumbass friends," I said quietly.
"THATS IT" ari said "WE ARE COMING OVER" and they hung up before I could say bye.
"Oh shit," I said getting up. I lost my balance.
"Here Ill help you, let me go get you clothes, bey said helping me up.
We both got dressed and bey carried me downstairs. I got a knock on the door as soon as bey put me down. She answered it.
"What do y'all want this early?" She said sounding annoyed.
"Where's nika??" Said drake.
"On the couch..." she said as she let them in.
"Hi ari!" I said.
"Rough Night huh?" Riri said.
We all looked at her
"What do you mean?"Bey said raising her eye brow.
"Well onika you had sex last night didnt you?? That's the only reason you never answer me or ari."
Drake looked at me angrily and said her needed something from the car and walked out.
" well... we were wondering if y'all wanted to go on a group date where we bring our significant others!" Ari said.
"I'm down for that," Beyoncé said.
"Me too," I said.
Wayne and riri agreed.
"All right so we will meet at the groove at 7pm."Ari said. "Maybe we can watch the Christmas lights or something."
"Ok see Y'all then," I said.
"Bye," they said as they walked out the door.
"Well this is going to be a fun night," I said.
Bey started laughing .
"Yea it is."

I told y'all I was gonna give y'all the first scene. I'll probably write the next chapter tonight so yea also I'm think about writing another story so I'll keep y'all update. LOVE YALL


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