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It wasn't long before you found yourself face to face with the next wooden door with a sign on it, this time reading Kim Seokjin.

It included the patients name and his disorder, schizophrenia, but this time it also had some symptoms to be wary of.
You swiftly read over it, making sure to note that he's quite sensitive and easily startled.

You knocked three times like you usually did, and when you didn't hear an answer, you knocked another three times, bringing your ear closer to the door in case you had missed his voice.

Just like you expected, no answer came. This was the second time now, and you wondered if the other patients were just like this too. Latching your fingers around the handle, you pushed it forward slightly, but not enough to reveal anything inside.

You stood in front of the door, using your left hand to push it open further, revealing a darkness so deep that it seemed to conceal every single thing inside the room. A mixture of perplexity, fear, and curiosity washed over you as you stood there, momentarily frozen in place. Leaning forward, you peeked your head inside when a sudden chilling gust of cold air rushed towards you, engulfing your body like a powerful force. Goosebumps erupted on your arms, and a shiver ran down your spine as your hands instinctively reached out to find the light switch on the wall.

As soon as you fingers fiddled with the unfamiliar shape of the switch, you clamped your index finger against it, pushing it down causing the lights to immediately turned on. With it revealing a horribly disorganised and messy room.

The bed in the middle of the room against the wall was wonky, it's sheets splayed it across it, messy and creased, the pillow was discarded and nowhere to be found, a pile of clothes, papers and books scattered across the white marble floor that was hardly visible under everything else. You could've sworn you saw something move.

Carefully, you ventured on inside, making sure to mind your step to not step in any of the patients clothes. You had made your way over to the bed and placed the tray onto it, doing a 360 around the room to look for Kim Seokjin that was nowhere to be found.

Your eyes went over to the other door in the room which must've lead to the toilet, and since it was closed you assumed he was in there. Slowly, you approached the second door, but before you could reach it, a loud screech sounded from behind you and before you could turn around, two arms were wrapped around you.

A sinewy arm, like a vice, wrapped itself around your neck, constricting your airways and trapping you in a suffocating headlock. Its grip was unyielding, squeezing tighter with each passing second. Another arm coiled around your waist, its muscular embrace immobilizing any attempt to break free. You were about to open your mouth to desperately release a scream or a plead for help, but before a sound could escape, the hand from the waist-bound arm swiftly rose, forcefully covering your trembling lips and sealing your voice within.

"Who are you and what the fuck do you want?" a voice, rough and laced with coldness, echoed menacingly from behind you. The man released his iron grip on your mouth, releasing the pressure from around your neck and allowing you to draw in a much needed breath.

"I-I'm Y/N," you coughed out. "I'm here as a volunteer."

With that, he completely released you, making you fall forward against the bathroom door. Your hands instinctively reached up to help regain your balance, they positioned themselves against the door.

With heavy breaths, you stood up straight and turned around, coming face to face with a very tall man with a very angry expression. His eyebrows were furrowed, his lips were quirked downwards and he looked at you up and down, taking in your figure.

You felt a whirlwind of emotions swirling within you—confusion, surprise, and above all, terror. The man standing in front of you abruptly pivoted, settling onto the edge of the bed, inviting himself to find his prescription alone. You payed him no attention, and instead with your hand trembling, gently explored the area around your neck, trying to make sense of the harrowing encounter that had just unfolded.

The only reasoning you could come up with in your head was his disorder, he was schizophrenic after all, and that was the only thing that could excuse his behaviour. But still, the fear in your heart did not falter, and the excuse didn't ease your mind one bit. In fact, it made your mind go into complete chaos. You wondered what else could trigger him, if just entering his room made him react that way, what else would make him angry?

Still positioned against the door with a horrified expression, Seokjin looked towards you as he finished taking his pill. His gaze didn't soften, and instead he scoffed.

"Are you just going to stand there?" he asked, causing you to look at him.

"No." you tried to say confidently, standing straight and slowly making your way towards the tray.

"You freaked me out." he said as your hands reached for it. "I—I'm not sure you'd understand."

"What did I do?"

"You turned the lights on." he replied, meeting your questioning gaze. "I was having a moment, the lights make it worse."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"You should be. Don't fucking come into my room without knocking." his harsh voice was back, and you winced slightly at the sudden change in his tone.

"I, What? I knocked multiple times." you explained in your calmest voice.

"Well knock harder next time," he commented, pushing you slightly towards the exit. "And don't come back, or they'll get you."

Confused, you exited the room, and still you couldn't decipher this guy. The next person on your list was Kim Taehyung who had a split personality disorder. Was Seokjin a schizophrenic or did he have the split personality? Maybe your list was messed up, but you would get your answers now.

Thankfully, the next door was right next to Seokjins. You brought your hands up to knock three times, and remembered Seokjins words, "knock harder next time," were you really knocking quietly? That would explain why nobody was responding.

Surprisingly, a voice sounded from inside, shouting out an irritated "What?"

That wasn't the response you expected, but at least you finally got a response. You didn't take it as your cue to enter and instead spoke out aloud, "You need to take your prescriptions." Shuffling could be heard from the other side and you waited patiently to be invited in.

The door quickly opened and revealed another untidy, unorganised room. The bed was not made, the table was wonky, sheets were all over the floor. Although it was much better than the previous room, it was still extremely messy.

You moved your gaze onto the man stood before you. He had a couple inches on you, standing tall and looking down to meet your eyes, you noticed the mischievous glint in his ones and the smirk that he tried to rid off his face. His hair was tousled and appeared to be somewhat wet, his skin clear of any blemishes. He reached his hand out to grab your arm, and swiftly pulled you inside, shutting the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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