Blooming relationships.

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MGK's POV ( 3 weeks into the tour )

Its been about three weeks and this whole tour is a rush of adrenaline, but this one is different, most tours im constantly high and drunk. Lots of party and travel but this time Y/N is here, she's always giving me water and making sure I pace myself. Its not like she's a buzz kill she always joins in but she also makes sure im safe. She makes me feel safe, because she's my photographer she's always by my side but more then that I like her being beside me. She's kinda touchy so often she's hugging me, or laying across me. Pete told me she doe this when I asked, I wanted to make her comfortable so the night before we left I asked Pete about her and he told me once she became comfortable with people she was a lot more relaxed, she would cuddle them or hug them. I think its kinda cute but I wanna know more about her, she won't let anyone do anything for her and sometimes she just disappears and no one can find her for hours. She interests me, Pete mentioned she has been on her own since 16 but never said why.  

" yo Kels?" Y/N woke me from my thoughts by waving her hand in front of my face, it was only 9am so I was in sweats and no shirt, she was in shorts and a t-shirt " You alright?" she sat on the counter next to me and grabbed a cup of coffee. 

I laughed a bit " yes, im fine Y/N just tired from last nights concert" I took the coffee from her hand and took a slip then gave it back, when gave it back I kissed her on  her forehead, Its something I had just gotten into the habit of doing over the weeks.

" You rocked it! You put a lot of energy into Bloody Valentine and I got great photos" She smiled, She was always very honest, especially when it was just the two of us, she definitely hasn't warmed up yet to the others as much as she has to me. 

I smiled and blushed a bit, she's always so positive with me " Thanks Y/N, you ready for today? since were In LA were gonna spend the day here and then well be on the road tonight, we were thinking of going to the beach?"

"Oh fuck yeah! sounds fun!" She laughed, I watched her grab a joint that looked like it had been half smoked already. She light it up again and took a long drag. 

" its 9am?" I laughed a bit " I smoke a lot of weed but not at 9am, how much have you smoked?" I worry sometimes about how early she smokes or drinks, I'm not sure ive talked to her fully sober once. 

She giggled a bit and messed my hair up " don't worry blond boy, I should go get ready for today" She smiled and walked into her little room. 


I walked into my little room, I had put up some things on the wall to make it feel more like mine, some photos I had taken, photos of me and Pete. There was also about 5 different whiskey or vodka bottles on the ground but I ignored that, It also smelt of weed and my perfume, honestly It was starting to feel like home. So was Kels, I just felt really close to him lately, and he never judged me, whenever I hugged him or put my head on his shoulder, he just let me. It was nice, he made me feel a way I just couldn't describe. Well I was thinking I started to pick out an outfit today, I grabbed some dark grey jean shorts, a light blue, tank top with a low cut neck line, I wore my bathing sit under it. I walked out to see kels talking to Rook " Kels? this outfit cute?" I ask and spin around a little,

 He laughed a bit. " its hot, fits your figure nicely, you ready to go out? the guys are all ready" He stood up and put a white tank top on. " Yo! guys lets go!" he shouted to the guys who were in the back. About 8 other guys from the crew or band walked all and all agreed they were ready go, so we all left to the beach. The moment we got there Kels and the other guys sprinted down the sand and running in the water. 

" these fucken boys..." I mumbled as I grabbed the drinks and food, there was about 5 bags and I was struggling to carry them, that was till I felt someone take three of the, Kels. " I had those its fine" I laughed 

" You were stumbling around like you lost for damn head girl, let me help you, for once" he sighed. 

" kels, Give it back, I had it. go have fun. I'll take some photos for you if you want" I tried to gran some of the bags back but he held them above my head. 

" stop, for once, don't fight me trying to fucking help you. Go swim or hang out with guys" He said firmly. He was almost glaring at me so I just nodded 

" fine... but i'm not swimming " I laughed as I set the bags down, I took off my shorts and shirt so I was just in a all black bikini. I glanced over at Kels who was taking his shirt off, hes still hot as ever....

" Oh hell no you're swimming come on" He said as he picked me up bridal style.

" KELS! PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN!" I shouted as I struggled against him a bit. Only a little tho, Honestly it gave me some butterflies when he picked me up like that. 

" Too late now!" He laughed as he started fun sprinting towards the water, damn this freakishly tall man... " Ready!" He shouted and before I could respond we were both under the water. Even when we hit the water I never let go him, I kinda clung onto him. As he stood up I was still holding on 

" Colson baker I will kill you one day..." I mutter, 

He just laughed and looked at me with that smile of his " No you won't, you love me to much" He grinned then set me down. 

I just jokingly glared up at him " you wish " I laughed a bit. For a second we just stood there staring at each other, it gave me that weird feeling in my stomach again. It probably would have gone on longer if one of his friends didn't shout for him 

" uh Slim needs me..." he said awkwardly 

" yeah yeah go help him" I laughed a bit, he just nodded and walked away. Shit, why did he just stare at me like that? fuck did I do something wrong? am I getting bad signals? Or wrong signals? 


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