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I was laying in bed listening to my mom and dad argue in their room, they argue a lot usually about my dads work trips. For as long as I can remember he would always leave for a couple weeks each month on his trips, I don't really know what he does only that mom says its important but she wont ever tell me more than that. I have hundreds of gifts that my dads brings me from each of his trips. He leaves in the morning this time. I put headphones in and fall asleep to the music drowning them out. When I wake up I head to the kitchen to say good-bye to my dad, he looks at me and says " you know the drill, I'll be back in couple weeks I love you my sweet girl", he bends down and gives me a kiss on my head. When he goes to leave I walk down to the car with him, when he goes to get in he stops and looks like he forgot something, he walks over to me and tells me "I want you to have my bracelet,so that no mater where you go you always know I'm with you", I look at him and say " thanks dad I'll miss you be safe and don't you forget my gift" with a laugh I hug him one last time before he leaves. I never knew that this would be the last time I saw him.

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