Chapter 1

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"Emi wake up" Keona ripped the blanket off her " mom wants you dressed in 10 minutes you going to be late" she tells me " okay okay" I say, damn only one month until I graduate. I honestly cant wait, high school definitely hasn't been easy on me. Ever since my dad hasn't came back my mom has been different around me, actually every one has been different around me, treating me like im going to snap in half at the first sign of trouble. I swear the only person that hasn't changed is Liz, we meet every morning and walk to school. " Good morning Emi" my mom says as I walk in the kitchen " wont you sit down and eat with us?" "Cant im running late" I grab a apple and practically run down the stairs to met Liz.

" Hey guess what" Liz says as we walk toward school " umm let me guess you found a new guy " I guess by the look on her face " why would you ever think that" she teases " maybe because whenever you have that look on you face you planing on setting me up with someone new" I laugh. Liz has always been the one everyone spots wherever. Shes friends with pretty much everyone. Me on the other hand has never had any luck making friends or talking to people, whenever I try most people spot Liz and talk to her instead, but I mean who wouldn't like her over me shes got beautiful long blonde hair the most delicit figure and the most perfect blue eyes and easy smile . While I have Dull chestnut hair, brown eyes, and a more muscly build. " Okay who is he?" I finally say "His name is Jeremy, hes very good looking if i wasn't in a relationship i would take him for my self" she laughs jokingly " I was thinking we can go to his party on Saturday if your mom lets you," she says. " I'll think about it" I say, she squeals in delight " I was thinking we could wear something" she dies off when she spots her boyfriend Daneil. Liz runs over to him leaving me behind to catch up. " Goodmorning Emi" Daneil says, "is it though" i respond they both laugh. " I'll catch you guys later " I say as I walk to class.

When I walk into my English class everyone stares at me with such unwanted pity. I just want everyone to stop looking at me like that, yes my dad didn't come back yes that hurt. But right now all I want is for everyone and everything just to go back to normal. I want to be able to walk around school without the looks of pity or distan. I take my seat in the back row like normal and zone out when the class starts. I didn't even realize when Ms. Dane walks up to me and asks " Emi do you know the answer?"  I stare blank "EMI do you know the answer?!" She repeats " I'm sorry what was the question" I start everyone laughs . The bells rings excusing us from class I get up to walk out but my teacher say "Emi please stay behind a moment." That can't be good I think and I was right, I hear a voice in the back of my head when my teacher closes the door. The voice is telling me to run but I stay thinking that I'm just loosing my mind. "Why am I here" I ask my teacher. When my teacher turns back her eyes look all glased over and I here that voice again telling me to get out of there. I start to back out and my teacher starts closer saying "tell me where it is girl and no one gets hurt". "What are you talking about" I say "the bracelet girl where is it" my heart starts racing and I start to panic " I don't know what your talking about" I say then remember the bracelet my father gave me when I was 15 before he left. The teacher starts running at me, i run around the classroom so scared I don't know what this is about, why would she want the bracelet my father gave me ? I think but don't know. The teacher catches me and when I look into her eyes I can see there not human "where is the stone" she growls " I don't know what you talking about" I panicked looking how to escape. She throws me against the wall "TELL ME!" She screams I see my book and grab it when she comes to grab me again I slam it against her head knocking her unconscious. I run down the halls out of school people staring and calling after me I hear Liz's voice call me "EM what happened? Slow down!". But I don't stop I run all the way till I can't run anymore and I stop and sit in an alley trying to figure out what just happened.

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