The exploration part l

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She went in the cave to find cave pantings on the wall of the past and the present. She wondered if someone was living there at the time. As Luna went farther there were more and more pantings and she went so deep that she could not see the entrance. She saw a panting of her at the cafe that she was planning the trip with her friends. She read more in the journal and it said, "I see pantings of when I was little and me now and even me planning the expedition to the cave. It is very spooky but I pushed on to the rest."

That scared her that he saw different pantings then what she was seeing. She didn't see any trace of other pantings. On panting terrified her to a point when she almost left the cave. It was a painting of her encountering a figure in the cave that hadn't happened yet. She shivered at the thought of her encountering something like that.

She soon found another statue in the cave of her reading the journal and a figure behind her. At this point she had put the book in her backpack, so she didn't have to carry it with her hands. She started being paranoid so she tried calling the police. She had no service and no connection to the outside world. She wanted to look at the book but was scared of what would happen if she did.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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