daddy's little secret

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I'm gonna tell a story going back beginning at my earliest memories. My mother and father where married when I was younger. I had an eldest brother Christan, he was conceived from another man when my mother was 16 and his father ran off. But after the honeymoon stage of my parents marriage wore off is where it went down hill.

It was to be expected they where still so young when they got married. But then they conceived me and life was going good until a couple years had past and I was 4. My parents had grown aggrieved by eachother. They had always have an abusive relationship but things began to escalate.

They where constantly arguing and fighting physically. All me and Christian could do was watch and sit idly by. My dad would get drunk and hit my pregnant mother and us. I would hide behind the dog cage and watch to make sure my mom was alright. It got bad to the point where the neighbors would call the cops on my parents on regular basis.

The cops had arrested my father quite a few times for domestic violence. But he always got out the next day and would go to work and get drunk every night. To me this was normal, but once a month I would go with my brother to my grandmother's house and his grandparents house. Which was my dad's mom and my brothers dad's parents.

Sense we didn't see them often they had no clue what was going on. That was our only escape except for school. But I was too young to go to school but my older brother attended it. My mom would always be asleep during the day to prepare for work. My dad was at work all day and came back got drunk then he would pass out after a fight before my mom was off too work.

Most of the time I would be alone and I usually cry myself to sleep. To make myself feel better I would make blankets out of wrapper's and put my doll to bed. Then I would stare out the window and pray and wish upon the stars. I would over here arguing and sneek out of my room and watch mom to be sure she didn't get hurt too bad.

One fight got so bad that my mom who was still pregnant had to go to the hospital. She lost a lot of blood that day it was right before my father was going to work. I saw this unfortunate event, blood everywhere, bruises, and crying.

He dragged her upstairs by her hair when the argument turned to screaming. I followed of course it was real early in the morning and I was tired. I heard a loud crashing sound so I quietly crept upstairs to see the horrific sight. I put my hand over my mouth in shock and starred crying when I saw the bloody mess. I quickly his in the closet and watched from the crack in the door.
As soon as my dad left I went in the room to see if my mom was still alive. Then I ran down stairs and dialed 911 like my mom had told me to. They asked what was wrong so I told them what happened. They said that an ambulance was on it's way.... She had 3 broken ribs and surprisingly the baby was okay...

Soon my younger brother was born and the fighting faded away. As if it never happened and they both seemed happy. But I should have known that it wasn't going to last never did.

My dad would get abusive with my older brother, my mom, and me. He even attacked my mom in front of us when she was holding my baby brother. I saw this constantly until they got divorced. When they did I blamed myself for everything that had happened. I don't know why I felt so guilty but I did.

They got divorced when I was 5 my mom's reasoning was because he was abusive. She even had me show my bruises to her lawyer who took pictures. She also got a pfa against him for 3 years. He was allowed no contact with my mom, my brothers, and I.

This is just one of the stories of my life. I just felt the need to get it off of my cheast and tell someone so thank you for reading.

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