Chapter 1

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"...Nngh, Max, can you please go get the alarm for me? ...Max? Ugh, fine, I'll do it myself," Roxanne groaned as she sleepily reached to turn off her alarm , only to feel the sensation of something metallic breaking.

"Wh-what the...?" Roxanne reacted confused, until she noticed the broken remains of a car whose alarm had gone off under her hand, as well as the remains of her house underneath her backside.

"What is this?!" Roxanne exclaimed, looking around restlessly and found everything having become increasingly small, or rather, her having become incredibly big. She felt as if she woke up inside a model of her neighborhood, with how small everything felt and how little she could move around without causing more damage. She had no idea what was happening to her, but she did know for certain that she wanted it to stop.

"R-Roxanne!!" a voice called out to her. She saw that it was Max when she looked down to find him standing next to her feet, which by themselves completely trumped him in size.

"Max! Oh thank god you're safe!" Roxanne said overjoyed, wanting to embrace him in her arms before realizing she could now easily crush him if she did so. "Um, Are you okay? I mean, we were sleeping together before... this happened. Are you sure that I didn't break anything?"

"Oh, don't worry, Roxanne, I managed to get out of the house before I could get hurt. I swear that I am completely fine," Max assured her.

"Well, that's a relief... but..." Roxanne trailed off as she looked down at her now gigantic body. It began to sink in more and more how unbelievably massive she became overnight, and she didn't know how to handle it all.

"...Roxanne? What's the matter?"

"Oh Max, I just have no idea anymore. I mean, people don't just grow giant out of nowhere, right? Now I'm just nothing but a monster!"

"H-hey Roxanne, please calm down."

"But how can I, Max? Look at me, I am huge! I mean, just watch!" Roxanne said before she would demonstrate her size, by raising her foot high into the air and slamming it on top of a nearby car, destroying it instantly and almost making Max almost fall over due to the impact.

"You see that? I just crushed a car with my foot, Max. MY FOOT!"

"...Um, yeah Roxanne, you... you sure did," Max replied bewildered, "b-but no worries, I'm sure that everything is going to be fine."

"Fine?! How is everything going to be fine?!" Roxanne roared at him.

"Well, you see,''re dreaming!"

"Huh? Dreaming?" Roxanne asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Yeah, that must be it! I mean, as you said, we went to sleep together, right? So we must just be sharing the same dream! ...right?" Max said, almost asking for confirmation.

"...Of...of course!" Roxanne cried out relieved. "Of course, this is just a dream! Why did I even think this could be real? Silly me."

"See Roxanne? Everything is just fine. There is nothing to worry about because nothing here is real. Hope that makes you feel better."

"Oh, MUCH better, now that I don't have to worry about hurting people. Like, imagine if I was actually this big, nobody could stop me! Although, I wonder if you would like that~"

"Huh? What's that supposed to...mean..." Max asked confused before he suddenly would be left in awe when Roxanne began to stand up, watching her giant body rise high into the air, with even the smallest of movements seeming so imposing to him. The true extent of her size became fully clear once she rose to her full height, her tan-colored legs were giant pillars extending high into the sky, her feet were twice as big as his body and her head was almost in the clouds, from where she looked down at him with a seductive smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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