4. Lisa

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- Fantasises about relationships and who possibly showed the most interest in her
- Threw a book at some dumbass causing a ruckus in the library (cough AMBER cough) (and yes i could only think of Amber bc she's the loudest in the knights) (and no i did not mean dumbass in an insult way)
- Sends electro flowers to random people she passes by
- Makes random shapes using electro
- Still thinking about how and why she got a vision when she just thought of it (knowing her she's probs close to connecting the dots)
- No one catcalls her bc, well, it's Lisa we're talking about
- Flirts with the others often (Jean, Amber, Kaeya, Eula..) (she likes the reactions lol)
- Has flirt battles with Kaeya
- Charms new travellers who just visited Mondstadt
- Falls asleep in some weird places (just try thinking of some places)
- When Jean and Albedo are both busy she has to take care of Klee

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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