31 | 戻る

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“WE COULD HAVE LOST HER TODAY,” Taehyung said. Anger still surged hotly through his system. He wanted to kill someone. With his bare hands.

He turned to stare at his brothers. “We can’t stay here. We can’t protect her here in the city. It’s too open.”

“I agree,” Jimin said in a steely voice. “We should get back home.”

The three brothers paced the living room of the suite like caged predators. Jennie slept a few feet away in the bedroom, the door ajar so they could hear if she wakened.

“The question is, what are we going to do about her husband?” Jungkook said.

“We protect Jennie and wait for Jin to do his job,” Taehyung said.

Jimin scrubbed through his hair impatiently. “Something has to be done. We can’t sit around with our thumbs up our asses. You and I both know this isn’t over.”

“I’m well aware of that,” Taehyung said, trying to curtail his irritation. He knew Jimin was as worried as he was. “We go home and keep our guard up. He’s at a disadvantage on our turf. No one knows those mountains better than we do. When we’re out here in the open, we’re little better than sitting ducks.”

Jungkook nodded in agreement. “I saw something in Jennie’s eyes I didn’t like tonight. More than fear. It was the knowledge that something she did could have harmed us. I don’t want her thinking that way.”

“She didn’t do anything,” Jimin snarled.

Jungkook held his hands up. “I didn’t say she did, Jimin. Back off. I just know what she’s thinking, and I don’t like it. She thinks she’s the reason for all of this.”

“Enough,” Taehyung said. “The important thing is we get Jennie back to the Busan and make damn sure one of us is with her at all times. We don’t want to do anything that could complicate a divorce. As soon as it’s final, then we can figure out the best way to deal with the asshole.”

A sound from Jennie’s room called a halt to the conversation.

“I’ll go,” Jimin said. Before Taehyung or Jungkook could respond, he strode across the room.

“He loves her,” Jungkook said quietly.

Taehyung nodded, satisfaction filling his chest. Getting close to Jimin was as hard as peeling a pit bull off your ass, but once Jimin allowed someone in, he embraced them wholeheartedly. And he was fiercely protective of those he loved.

“He’ll watch over her well,” Taehyung said.

“We all will,” Jungkook corrected.

Taehyung checked his watch. Two A.M. But he wasn’t going to sleep much tonight. If it weren’t for the fact Jennie needed to rest, he’d head them all out now and get out of town. Back to their cabin.

“Why don’t you get some rest?” Jungkook offered. “I’m wide-awake. I’ll hang out here and make sure everything stays quiet.”

Taehyung expelled his breath in a long whoosh. “All right. I doubt I’ll sleep, but I’ll kick back for a few hours. We’ll drive home in the morning.”

Taehyung shuffled into the bedroom. He glanced over to see Jimin wrapped around Jennue, their legs entwined. Jimin’s hand rested possessively on Jennie’s hip, his fingers splayed out over the curve of her ass.

Jimin opened his eyes and stared at Taehyung from an angle. Taehyung lifted his brow in silent question. Jimin nodded, signaling all was well with Jennie. Taehyung shucked his boots and jeans and quietly crawled into bed on the other side of Jennie.

ꗃ: 𝗘𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗟 𔘓. 𝗍𝖺𝖾𝗃𝖾𝗇𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗄 ! 𓂅 Where stories live. Discover now