Chapter eleven. ((edited))

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The maidservants handed them towels and they both sat on the pool benches, taking a sip of the juices the servants made for them.

After that they dressed up like they normally do and Irene was the first to finish.

She went to Seulgi's room.

Seulgi never locked her room because back in her home, people there learned to knock. But it was different in Irene's home. She liked to barge in without knocking. So she went in to see a half naked Seulgi, only in her underwear.

"Wha- hey, get out!" She was caught off guard, but then she stared at her body and crossed her arms.

She bit her lip as her eyes stopped at her abs. Seulgi struggled with the shirt but when she got the shirt on, she pushed Irene to the door.

"Learn to knock next time."

"Why? You're my wife."

"Future. And still, I told you we're not doing what other couples do!" Irene tilted her head like a curious puppy. "What do other couples do?" Seulgi mentally face palmed.

Is she this oblivious or is she playing pretend? She thought. But before she could say another word, Irene caressed her cheeks. Irene's back was pressed on the door, she handed went to lock it.

"The 'you-know-what'." She said, quoting the 'you-know-what'. Both of them knew exactly what that was and both their cheeks flushed. Irene was getting aroused. While Seulgi was embarrassed. Irene looked down on her legs and on her underwear.

"Hey, looks like..." She didn't finish what she was saying and she pulled Seulgi's head for a kiss.

At first, Seulgi defied but then she gave into it. She kissed back. Then Irene's arms wrapped Seulgi's neck.

They were in a heated kiss when someone knocked on the door. The frustrated Irene opened it, to see the maidservant smiling, handing her the telephone. (The telephone is cordless.)

"It's Mrs. Kang."

"Oh, I'll give it to Seulgi when she comes out the bathroom." Irene reasoned but the truth was that Seulgi hid behind the door because she didn't want Hoyeon seeing her in an underwear. She blushed when she realized she and Irene kissed. She silently screamed, What the hell did I just got myself into?

"Okay, Madame." Then Irene shut the door. She handed the telephone to Seulgi, frowning. She wasn't satisfied by that kiss. She wanted more.

Seulgi took it and went to the bed while Irene eyed her legs.

Am I this whipped? She questioned herself while biting her nails.

"Yeah, mom?" Seulgi laid down, which gave her a view of her legs. Which her eyes widened. She then proceeded to lock the door as she was scared someone might come in and see it.

"Yeah yeah, no, I'm really fine."

Seulgi flipped to her side and now she got a view of her ass.

"I-I think I'm l-leaving now. See you l-later, Kang." Seulgi gave her a thumbs up and continued talking to her mom.

Irene's cheeks flushed. Bad thoughts, Joohyun-a. Bad thoughts. She shook it a couple of times and a maidservant saw her doing it. "Are you okay, Madame?"

Irene's eyes flustered open and she was ashamed, then she left Seulgi's front door and went to her room without answering the confused servant.

She closed the door behind her and leaned her back on it, while panting. She didn't run but she felt like she raced.


Weeks went by and the bond between the two grew sweeter. At first, Irene was just flirting but when Seulgi flirted back, she knew she was deeply in love.

They would frequently go out on dates like coffee dates, movies, shopping together or sometimes just unwinding at the park, eating ice cream and candy floss.

They sometimes tackle each other on the bed and take turns sleeping in each other's bedroom. They got used to sleeping with each other. Although, nothing miraculous happened yet. Irene was waiting for that day to come, but it will when she proposes to her.

It was dinner time and Irene asked for the servants to prepare a candle lit dinner on the garden with the wonderful view of the pool.

They did as Irene asked and she wanted to surprise Seulgi.

She texted Seulgi, even though Seulgi was just in her room, to make it more exciting, to dress up something nice.

Seulgi didn't reply but Seulgi read the message.

Seulgi wore something casual. She was even having second thoughts because her clothes might be too much, but Irene said wear something 'nice', she didn't know what 'nice' meant to Irene.

She went downstairs to be greeted by Irene, wearing a dress. Irene put makeup on and so did Seulgi. Irene offered her arm and Seulgi held onto it.

"Shall we?"

"We shall." Then they both walked to the garden. With all the maidservants waiting there and even had a violinist.

Irene pulled the chair for Seulgi, she took something from her pocket and kneeled beside her.

"Marry me, Kang." She said. She didn't ask, it was rather a command.

Seulgi only smiled, at this point, Irene was still too confident.

"Sure, Mrs. Kang."

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