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Alex's POV

the day went on. part of me still wanted to treat being around him like I'd only see him for a few hours. my mind didn't click into the fact that this is where I live now.
not only did he make loving him a fantastic...experience.
he made it so romantic.

the bonfire was absolutely stunning.
it was a bonfire, and a lot of t-light candles. he had logs as little benches, and music playing. all under all the stars.

no, I don't know how he does these things without me knowing. so don't ask me.

of corse when I walked outside, my jaw dropped. it was so...so stunning. I'm a sucker for these kind of things. all he could do was smile at my reaction.

"so you like it?"

"..like it..that doesn't even describe..." I looked at Damon. I didn't know what to say. all I managed was, "I love you"

he moved his hands to my waist, then kissed me. so delicately, yet so full of emotion.

no, I don't know how he does it, don't ask me.

his hands trailed to my lower back, pulling my hips more into his. he kissed me with this angelic sense. like everything around us was light, there was no weight on us, around us, inside us... it was just that kiss. and the emotion it held between our lips. all I thought was,

this is why im in love.. this is what im alive for..its what I used to die for. now it's mine. he's mine. im home and im happy once again because I found my love and light and savior.

my thoughts raced around that kiss. my heart trying to keep up with the speed, my cheeks becoming pinker, warmer.

as he pulled away, there was clapping...


clapping who the fuck was clapping

there was a chuckle "Braaaavo."

who the fuck is this guy?

Damon finally looked and his eyes widened.
"what the fuck are you doing here."
I looked at Damon "who the hell..you know him??"

"oh isn't that too bad...pretty boy didn't tell you?"

"someone fucking tell me what's going on" i gripped onto Damon's hand. partially out of fear and partially out of confusion.

"he's my ex"
I looked at Damon
"your ex?"

"oh spare me your fancy, call me Vex"
Vex looked at me and smirked. I squeezed Damon's hand more "get him out of here"
"but I just got here..and you made it so easy for me to find you." vex grabbed my hand, pulled me away from Damon and wrapped his arms around me
"s-stop get off!"

"aw..trying to act all tough. sooo fucking adorable" vex smirked.

"he said get off."

Damon, he kept a stern voice. like he does with me, but more defined. more harsh.
Vex's facial expression dropped into anger.
"Since when does your little pathetic bitch tell me what to do?"

I started shaking. violently.

get off of me I just got out of hell get off

only I couldn't talk. I wouldn't move I could hardly breathe.

"don't fucking call him names. get the fuck off my boyfriend and leave."

"oh but he's so adorable, im not ready to leave"

Vex lifted my chin and kisses my neck. my eyes widened.


there was silence.

what the fuck just happened

apparently I had just slapped him because he was a few steps back with my sized handprint on his face.

Damon quickly came over to me and put his arm around my waist and walked me away from him.


vex was rubbing his face "he's a feisty one now..ill give him that"
he started to walk away.

he's going to come back. he didn't get what he wanted I don't fucking know what he wants but he'll be back don't let him-

"hey hey hey baby" Damon stroked my cheek
I was shaking like a dog out of cold rain
I looked at him and tears started streaming down my face.
he knew I couldn't talk. he just picked me up and took me inside and sat me on the bed in our room.

"I'll be right back. I need to put the fire out"

I nodded some, surprisingly letting him go.

seconds after he walked out, I ran straight into the bathroom and searched for the bottle of pain killers. when I found them, i took the lid off and took four out. popped them in my mouth and swallowed them dry. I leaned against the sink and started crying.

what would his ex want with me...

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