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Before I start anything, I feel like it's important to write some things down, as otherwise, you cannot know, what you are even looking at.

This story is based on Modir's fate and you need to know the general lore of the game, to enjoy this story. I mean, i think you still could if you didn't, but it'd be veeeery confusing.

The main character in this oneshot is Lotacore. A cowardly elf, with a pathetic appearance and personality, who's been trying to hide his past as good as he can, only to have it blurted out, by the lich. He is wanted by his fellow elves of Haltia, who are the only ones who know all about him.

Akarian wasn't properly used, to be fully honest, but he is a mennin, who genuinely does not remember anything about his past and who Lotacore is travelling with, as they have a common goal. During their travels, they became friends, though Akarian is still distanced, all throughout.

The Lich in question is ruler of an old kingdom, that fell to the first great plague. He became a lich and lived among the undead for many years, building a hatred for the mortal races, for their putrid nature, until Lotacore, with his crimes, put the nail in the coffin.
Afaik this fits perfectly fine, within the lore of Modir's Fate and I hope I didn't miss anything, that would retcon elements from the canon.

Sir Hollow Flame was an undead, powerful skeletal knight and  a ruthless fiend, who had a bone to pick with Lotacore, for lying to his face.

The situation we are placed in, is Hollow Flames' attempt to execute Lotacore, as the elves of Haltia watch the situation pleased, until they  are interrupted by a lich, who asks to have the elf for himself. 
Friends are already on their way to help the captured elf and Akarian has his own plans, as he sits far away with a crossbow, waiting to kill the cruel knight, at the right moment, to save his friend.

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