A Christmas Story

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2021 is almost over. We've survived another Covid-ridden year. It hasn't been easy, yet, we did it.  And what a joy it is to finish the year with Christmas. A season of hope. A hope that saves us. Walking into 2022, we don't know what's coming. But we will get through it, together, like we've been doing. 

I wanted to finish the year off strong. These past few years have been a never ending roller coaster. Things are new, difficult, wonderful, and stressful but when Christmas comes around, things are hopeful again. My prayer and wish for all of us is that as this new year comes, we remain strong. No matter what we face next year, someone is in control of it all. He knows what is happening and what will happen. He will not leave us here by ourselves. He will always be here for us, no matter what chaos is going on in the world.

Have a wonderful Christmas and great New Years!

I want to share with you this Christmas story,

One that has stood with the change of time.

A story of the hope of winter.

A sad tale of this great gift, divine.

This tale of a gift that would save her.

It came, blinding and terrible, bringing the news,

"You, young maiden, would bear the Savior.

Chosen from many, by His favor."

In a manger, there, He was gifted with perfume:

Frankincense it's earthy scent. Bitter Myrrh, and Gold, to crown Him again.

With angels singing, the heart of man rejoiced at this holy event.

Here, to save His people, and not to them accuse.

Here, He would grow and bring light to an ancient ruse.

The teachings of others were false, His teachings would amend.

He showed the truth and light. The gift of God, He was here to represent.

Then, a crime committed, one of great abuse.

Betrayed, yet glad to be our Savior.

He ensured that He was the payer.

He came, a victor, forgave us from that horrid fruit.

Still, now, forgiven of our past crimes.

Together, we praise our great victor.

Praising, till we can sit by His sides.

Forever, hope reigns in this winter.

This Christmas story of fear and of glory. 

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